Chapter Fourteen

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Percy's POV

An hour later we were driving down the road away from camp, Jason driving, me in the passenger and Will and Nico in the back. Nico had a smug, satisfied expression. "Told you I'd convince him to let us go."

"I could hear the 'fine' he screamed from the infirmary. Scared one of our patients out of a heart attack," Will said, raising an eyebrow at Nico, who only beamed.

"It's good to see that the annoying little kid Nico hasn't left," I teased, reaching back to ruffle his hair, to which he huffed and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Nope. He's entirely annoying little kids and rainbow glitter inside," Will sighed. "Even more than me, honestly. It's really quite confusing. He just hides it with his exterior."

"I am not!" Nico gasped, sounding offended. "I'm all black and... And..." Nico sighed, hitting the back of his head off his seat. "Whatever," he mumbled. "I'm rainbow and glittery."

Will chuckled, kissing his cheek. "And I love you for it. Even if you do get annoying sometimes."

"You think I'm annoying?" Nico looked taken aback. "I'm a morning person and all, but I do NOT fancy waking up at five in the morning every day just because the sun has started to come up," Nico huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Then you fall asleep at like six and I'm stuck awake till midnight alone."

"Oh don't lie, you love it. Besides, all your time alone leaves you to sneak all your chick flick movies," Will teased, poking Nico in the ribs.

"Must you made fun of me for that? I'm mainly intrigued by the fact that the same guy with the too-wide-jaw and brown hair is in every single one of them, one way or another. Like, seriously, he's not even hot?"

"Hey, babe, chill," Will laughed.

"Anyways, before Nico breaks into a rant," I interrupted, clearing my throat, "where are we going again?"

"Nothing fancy. Just mall shopping and mall food with," Nico pulled out a few credit cards with a wink. "Casino cards."

I gaped at him and he laughed. "Snagged a few before I left, felt like a real badass then, now I'm just glad that I have unlimited cash."

"Dude, Annabeth and I threw our away because, well, we were like fourteen and really dumb, but that's... That's awesome!"

"Wait, casino card? Unlimited cash? I'm so confused," Jason whined, pouting slightly.

"Me too," Will agreed, looking between Nico and I.

"It's best if it stays like that," Nico and I chorused, making the both of us laugh and Will and Jason pout.

"Why are we going to the mall, exactly? Aren't we all grown men, not teenage girls?" Jason questioned.

"There is nothing, Jason, nothing, like being an adult man and shopping in Claire's."

"Why the fuck would we-"

"Because we fucking want to look like idiots, Jason," I huffed. "Now get us to the mall so we can buy giant stuffed animals and glitter lipstick."

Jason shook his head with a sigh. "Alright, alright."

Everyone burst into laughter, including Jason, now that my little show was over. "Nah, they have some shops in there that are pretty cool. Nico and I are going to raid Hot Topic and the front half of Spencers... " Nico and I both coughed awkwardly while Jason and Will looked confused.

"What's in the back half?" Jason asked hesitantly, as if scared of the answer. Nico leaned over and whispered to Will, who coughed violently and went dark red.

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