The Face Of Deception ch 36

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"The Face Of Deception ch 36"
"Team Skylo"
At Lorenzo house-Lorenzo was home setting up his house when Skye came into the room.."Lorenzo "He turn and look at Skye.."Skye,You Sure not be here "Lorenzo walk by Skye.."No one following me,So is Sonny dead "Lorenzo touch Skye Face.."Yes soon he will be,Our plan worked! You took over the hotel with the help of Jax and help turn Michael against Carly "That was easy "Yes and having Lona help was perfect and Jax"Yes it was,I'm glad that Jax help us "Yes so when are you going to divorce him so we can be together "Jax think I love him but he was a part of this plan too make him pay for leaving me for Brenda and breaking me "Yes,Skye are we good? Have you forgive me for betraying you"Yes I have ,Lorenzo I love you"Skye,That's What I been wanting to heard"Lorenzo kiss Skye and they made love..

At Julian ~Julian was happy at home and pouring a drink when Ava came into the room holding Avery.."Why do you look so happy "Soon Sonny will be dead and I will be running this town with Lorenzo "Can we trust him"Yes and you have Avery no one will take her from you"No,I'll have a drink too"

At General Hospital-Carly was waiting in the hallway alone and scared when Lucas and Griffin came by,."Carly,I'm sorry we did everything we could "No! As Monica came by,,"You did this! It's you're fault that Sonny is dead! You had to come after us"Sonny the only reason his gone"Bobbie came by.,."Carly ,Let's go"Bobbie took Carly to see Sonny.."Oh Sonny,I can't believe you're gone ,How I'm going to live without you? I love you so much I will make them pay for doing this"Carly touch Sonny face and then kiss him.."Carly,Let me take you home "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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