The Face of Decpection ch 7

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"The Face Of Deception Ch 7"
"Custody Of Avery "
At The Courthouse-Avery custody case-Ava and Scotty came into the courthouse as Carly and Sonny And Diana came by.."Get ready to lose "Really? You think you're going to take a child from her mother "Ava left into the courthouse.."Diana,We have to win"We will"Diana and Carly and Sonny went inside as the Judge came in .."The Case Of Avery Corinthos ,Her Mother Ava Jerome is asking for full custody ,Does Ava Lawyer have any witness "Yes Your honor we do,We would to call Kiki Jerome to the stand "Kiki came in and got swear in.."Kiki,Was you're mother a good mother to you"It wasn't perfect but their was no danger,No bodyguard "Do you think Ava sure have Full custody of Avery"Yes I do"Were you shot in the crossfire with Sonny Corinthos late Son Morgan"Yes I was ,That's why I'm doing this to keep Avery safe"Scotty was finish as Diana got up.."Do you and you're mother have a rocking relationship "What Mother and Daughter doesn't "True "My Mother isn't perfect but she is Avery mother "Diana was done and Kiki got up."I would like to call Carly Corinthos to the stand "Carly got up.."Mrs,Corinthos,Do you take care of Avery when she at Sonny "Yes I do,I love her like my own"Thanks you"Diana was done.."Where were you a couple Of month ago"I was in Ferncliff So who took care of Avery then "Her father and a nanny "Was your son recently killed"Yes Ava drug him"But he was killed because of a car bomb was put in the car he was driving which was meant for you're husband enemy "Carly didn't answer.."I'm done "Carly got up.."Are you both finish"Yes"I have made my decision after listening to both side it seems the only safe choice is for Avery to live full time with her mother Sonny and Carly are not allowed to go neither Avery,Case dismissed "Carly and Sonny were upset.."Diana can we plead this"I'm sorry but no "Ava came by,,"It feels so wonderful winning "Did you pay Kiki to help you"Ava left.."Sonny "I need some air before Lona trial"Alright "Sonny left.."This is going to killed Sonny "Yes it is"

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was reading some paperwork when Monica came by.."Skye,Monica,I'm going to look for a house to live in"You Don't have to,You and Lona are welcome to stay here,The Baby a Quartermaine which means you are a Quartermaine "Thanks Monica,I miss Alan so much and this family "Me too it hasn't had many family members here in a long time "What about Ned and Olivia "They moved out,Olivia wanted her own place "I understand that"Yes Me too"Lona came into the room.."It's time to go"Skye phone rang .."Skye,Ava that's wonderful 'Skye hang up the phone.."Ava got full custody of Avery"That's wonderful "Yes now for phase two "Yes"Skye and Monica and Lona left..

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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