The Face Of Dececption Ch 17

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"The Face Of Deception Ch 17"
At Jax-Jax was having a drink when there was a knock on the door it was Skye she was wearing a coat and had a hat and scarf on."Skye,Come in"Skye came into the room.."I have some news,Ned is going to reopen the case against Sonny on AJ murder and Michael is on board with this "Good,I saw Josslyn today,She on board too"Good,You got you're daughter back "Yes and Sonny and Carly are out of town ,Now we can get started with the rest"Yes we can"Skye share a kiss with Jax.."I love you Skye "I love you too"Skye and Jax made love..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica came home from her date with Harrison she enjoyed having someone to have dinner with when Michael came into the room.."Michael,Are you okay with all of this"Yes, I want this"Already "I'm not a weak person "No you're not"We are going to name the baby AJ "Oh Michael, I wish you're father was here to see you,He would be proud "Me too"

At Jax-Jax and Skye we're getting dressed from making love.."I sure go "Skye,We need to tell everyone "We will soon "Yes "Skye Kiss Jax.."I'm glad you went to Barcelona and recounted "Yes we made our daughter their "Yes we did and a life for each other and our daughter "Yes"Skye left..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Lona was in the nursery room looking at all the baby things when Michael came into the room.."Lona ,Are you okay "Yes just a little emotional on soon because a mother "What was you're childhood like "It was good my mother made sure I had everything "Did you and Lila Rae get along "Not all the time,In Mother eyes she can't do anything wrong "Oh that's hard"Yes but I never wanted for anything and I had my father their "Who is you're father "As Skye came into the room.."Lona,Michael is everything okay."Yes I just wanted to set up,the nursery "It's perfect "Yes,I have a phone call to make "Michael left and Skye close the door.."Lona,You cannot Tell Michael yet about you're father "I know,So What's next "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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