bbys look so cute ^^
health teacher: today is the last day of health class
girl: *laughs*
health teacher: are you happy that this is the last day of health?
girl: no (she was laughing at her friends)
her friends: *dying of laughter again*
- health class
boy: remember we watched two movies together?
girl: no we watched one movie
boy: no i remember we watched two movies it was about a robot and the other was about superheroes (i think it was alita and glass)
girl: no i was there it was one movie
another boy: no it was three
boy: ya it was three
girl: *wtf*
boy: i'm not flirting with you
the rest of the class: *what is happening*
- people in my new testament class
boy: i wish it was still break
la teacher: i wish your face was still break
- in la class
my friend's first part of her poem (haiku):
x-men save the day
deadpool looses his eyeball
(an she asked me for a word that started with x so i said x-men)
hey danger flirter
- my la teacher talking to a boy in class
School 😭