🖤 Chapter 2 🖤

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Layla's POV

It's 20 minutes till 8 o'clock and after nearly 5 hours of arguing and shouting everyone is nearly ready to go to the party.

"Hurry up Lay! And put your clothes on so we can take a few selfies before we leave," Bella shouts at me from her room as I finish changing my clothes. I have a simple neutral look going on with my makeup with a nude lip and have my hair curled by Red. (Outfit shown above)

"Urgh, always with the selfies," Lia groans, rolling her eyes, as I walk into Bella's room.

"Oh shut up! You love taking selfies Lia. Admit it," replies Bella.

Lia sticks her middle finger in reply.

I look at the other girls to see they are also ready. (Outfits shown above)

"Okay girlies get together let me take a picture of you," I say as I turn my camera on and watch them pose for the photo.

I take a few of them together when Red pulls me to them, "Come on Lay, we need some with you in them as well," she says.

Bella grabs my camera from me and turn it around taking pictures that looks like selfies of all 4 of us. She then takes out her phone saying she needs some pics for her social media and takes more off of there.

"Okay, okay, stop now. We need to leave," I say looking at the clock which says it's 8.45pm. I can't believe we've been talking pictures for over an hour.

"Let me grab my keys," Lia says running to her room.

I grab my bag and my camera and start making my way downstairs. What? I like taking photos okay!

We all leave the house and all jump into Lia's car. On the ride to the house we sing and dance to the music on the radio and just let loose from the stressful few weeks we've all had.

5 minutes later we pull up into a free parking space and make your way up to the house that blaring loud music and flashing lights.

"Okay let's at least try to stay together tonight. We don't need a repeat of last time," I say looking at Bella.

"Heey! It's not my fault they had decent music on," Bella replies.

"The music wasn't even decent. Who the fuck even plays Justin Bieber at a Uni party? And who the fuck starts stripping on the table to Justin Bieber?" Lia asks Bella.

"Okay maybe I was a lil tipsy," says Bella.

"No Bella, you were really drunk. Please don't do that again. It was so hard trying to get you down from the table and back home," Mia pleads.

"Okaaay Red, I'll try not to get proper wasted this time," Bella replies to Mia, whilst putting her arms around her neck in a hug.

We walk up to the door and can literally feel the floor vibrating from the music. Bella pushes the door open and walks in, with Lia following her. I hook arm with Mia's, giving her a reassuring smile and following the other two into the house.

The house is packed with drunk students; some drinking, some dancing, some smoking, some making out, Ew wait! Are they having sex!? I quickly look away. Couldn't they find a room? I think to myself.

We all walk straight to the kitchen to get ourselves a drink.

As soon as we walk in a Blonde in a very short black dress hugs Mia. "Oh Mia, I'm so happy you could make it!" She gushes. "And you brought friends! Yaay!"

"Yh. Guys this is Amber. She's throwing the party. Amber this is Layla, Isabella and Amelia. My best friends," Mia says introducing us.

"Aww it's so nice to meet you guys. So glad you could all make it. Help yourself to drinks. No wait actually let me get Dylan to make you some, he makes the best drinks ever!" Amber exclaims excitedly, pulling us with her to a table.

"Hey Dyl!" She yells over the music. "You remember Mia from my classes, and these are here friends."

"Oh hi. Yh seen you around campus. How are you guys" the grey eyed boy asks, eyeing us all.

"Yh we're all good. Happy we can let loose from life for a little while," Bella giggles back. "I'm Isabella by the way. And this is Amelia and Layla," Bella introduces us.

He smiles our way, in which he receives a full on grin from Bella. A scowl from Lia and a small smile from me. He keeps eye contact with me a little too long whilst returning the smile. Oo he's kinda cute tbh.

"Yh well Dyl make them a drink please. I told them you make theee best ones!" Amber says jumping up and down.

"Of course. Anything in particular?" He questions.

"Surprise us!" Bella grins in a flirty voice. God she reaally wants to get laid tonight.

Dylan smiles in return and starts making 4 drinks for us. Once done he passed them to us and I take a sip.

"OMG!! This is actually really good!" I moan out taking another sip.

"Well thank you," he replies with a grin.

I look around and see that Amber has already left the room and the girls are talking to themselves.

"So I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you around campus before, because I most definitely would remember a beautiful face like that," Dylan smirks. Smooth.

"Ahaha very clever. But yh I don't go to Uni. I work in a cafe not far for here actually," I reply.

"Oh that cool. Which o-" Dylan starts but gets intruded by his friends and gets pulled away. I wave at him and turn back to the girls.

"Ooooo someone likeeees yoooooou!" Bella and Lia sing.

"No someone doesn't," I say rolling my eyes. "Plus we're finding Bella someone not me okay!"

"Okaaay! Anyways lets go and dance girlies!!" Bella yells whilst running over to the dance floor in the next room.

Okay let loose! I say to myself whilst dragging the two girls with me.

I giggle and start dancing with them. We twirl each other around and swing our hips to the song. I take a few pictures of the girls dancing on my camera and then put it away.

After 3 songs Bella has suddenly disappeared, probably dancing with someone in this crowd of people grinding on each other.

Mia says she gonna get another drink and sit down and Lia follows her, as I continue dancing.

A new song starts and I throw my arms in the air and start sways my hips to the beat, getting lost in the song.

Suddenly I feel someone behind me and they wrap their arms around my waist, moving in sync with me.

I can tell is a guy by their body and scent. Damn he smells amazing, I think. I'm surprised I can even smell him through this pack of sweaty, horny people.

I feel him push me even closer to him, if it's possible and I end up running my hands through this hair, throwing my head back a little and grinding against him. This feels amazing. I can tell he likes this too... if you get what I mean..

I feel his breath on my neck as we dancing through the next song as well.

A soft pair of lips then slowly attached to my neck, making me moan a little and arching my back a little more. What? Neck kisses are my weakness okay!

The song soon comes to a stop and I slowly turn around meeting a stunning pair of green eyes....



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