First peroid

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Recap madison nooooooo
You and Destiny and Devan get to class in first period y'all got one of them laid back teachers
Teacher : class you have free time first period today
Destiny >you want to go talk to those boys we saw in the hallway she said with a smirk on her face
Madison > wipe that smirk off your face because I'm not going over there and plus Alex and Carlos and gio are over there right now and we already know them
Devan >no not them the boy you staring down in the hallway
Madison > no I don't want to go over there and plus I was not staring him down I looked at him for a long distance of time
Destiny > and that's called staring
Devan >true
Mabison>ok ok gosh you caught me he just so fine tho
Devan>look at Alex tho
Madison >that's my brother
Destiny >look at Carlos tho
Devan&Madison> you and Carlos would make a great couple
Destiny >to bad he is dating Malu treehoe
Madison > Damn you really want that man
Destiny >yup
Madison >want me to talk to him for you
Destiny > you would do that for me
Madison > yup
Destiny >ok
Madison >CARLOS
Madison >I need to talk to you in the hallway
In the hallway
What do you want
Madison > i need to tell you that Destiny likes you a lot
Madison >so is it a relationship
Yup but first I have to break up with malu
Madison > I got you
Thank you so much
Madison >no problem

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