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Skip to lunch you and Devan and Destiny sit with each other then the boy came as in boys I mean Brandon Carlos Alex Cheskino Gio and sat with y'all and it was awkward until Devan broke the silence with a joke if you don't know Devan is that crazy funny bestfrand
Devan ck after every sentence I say you say I'm a man
Ck ok
Devan you went to a bar
I'm a man
Devan you met a woman
I'm a man
Devan you took her home
I'm a man
Devan you put her in the bed
I'm a man
Devan she whispered in your ear
I'm a man
All 😜 hehe
Alex we all should hang out at my house this afternoon my mom won't be home
All except you yeah
Skip to the end of the day
When you got home you took of your makeup and then Dess and Dev came to your house and said they where going to stay the night because there parents are on a business trip and your parents are on a business trip for a month

Sorry for a boring chapter and for the cliffhanger

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