At my house

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They all Arrive and y'all have fun and stuff and then y'all decide to play truth or dare watch the video
And it was your turn
Alex*Madison I dare you to date Ck for a week
Alex*that mean you two have to sleep in the same bed together
Madison*i hate you Alex
Madison*alex I dare you to tell Devan how you really feel about her in front of all of us
Alex POV
Oh hell naw wait till it's her turn again she is going to get it
End Alex POV
Madison POV
He is going to Kill me
Devan POV
Ooooouuuuuu I'm so ready to hear this
Alex*well I think she is a really pretty girl and that she is funny and everything that a guy could wish for in a girl so Devan will you be my girlfriend
Devan*yes yes omg Alex
Madison*my brother got a girl now

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