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Since the voices came up the first time, they hadn't left. They were constantly in her head and she couldn't get rid of them no matter what she did.
On and off the voices talked to themselves and sometimes to her, though she would never answer, which frustrated the voices causing one of them to curse at her constantly.
She didn't know why this was happening, especially to her. Was she at a certain point where her brain has just given up? Or was Joker's craziness finally getting to her?

It had been a few days since the last 'therapy' session with Joker, and Ruth was scared why she hadn't gone back in. She was starting to panic and wonder if he was the reason that these voices were in her head and she couldn't get them to leave

Hey you, girl, why don't you finally fucking talk to us, how about that? We just want to help you, that's why we fucking showed up so why don't you finally listen to us so we can help you get out of here?

That was the more aggressive voice, the other one was more calm and peaceful and honestly Ruth like that one more.

Now, leave her alone, she can talk to us when she is ready, you can calm down and wait until then, it's not like you have anything better to do you idiot.

Ruth yet again blocked out the voices again and she wondered about somethings she had forgotten about for a while 'is Bruce going to come and save me?'

Bruce's POV

I think we may have finally found her, it has taken a few months of hard work and late nights but we have a lead to where Ruth might be, it seems very promising and we will set up a rescue starting tomorrow morning.

'That's right Bruce, we'll get your daughter back, at any cost" the chief assured me over the phone as i sighed and continued to think about all the possibilities that could happen, 'what if we don't find her? What will i do? Dick wont be happy if i don't come back with her, he's been hit the worst by this, they were very close and she means a lot to him.
"Yes commissioner, have all your forces ready tomorrow morning as soon as possible, Im going to get my daughter back" I hung up the phone and headed to bed, i needed to rest for whatever would happen tomorrow, good or bad. I wondered of she was even alive but I won't give up on trying to save her just to have that slim chance of her still being alive.

I told Dick to get ready for tomorrow, he was as worried as i was with being able to get her back, and now he wont be able to sleep because of his anxiousness. But I need him to be fully rested for tomorrow.

'Don't worry Ruth, we're coming for you'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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