Chapter 1.10

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After what seemed to be hours of listening to Draco playing the piano, Ellie finally let sleepiness get the better part of her as her eyes fluttered lazily and she slowly rested her head on Draco's shoulder. The twelve years old boy didn't seem to mind, however, as he kept on playing. "Are you sleeping on me, Potter?"

"Would it kill you if I am?" replied Ellie in between her yawns, shifting her head so that it rested comfortably on his shoulder.

The blonde couldn't help but chuckle for even at her sleepy state, the dark haired girl could still made a cheeky remark. He finally stopped playing and carefully hoisted Ellie up, as he led her out of the room and up to the guest room she'll be sleeping in. Ellie was too tired to even protest that Draco had slyly kept an arm around her waist. Nevertheless, it was a good thing that he did for she would definitely stumble down if he hadn't. The second the blonde had dropped her on her bed, she instantly fell into a dreamless sleep. Draco couldn't help but thinking of how adorable Ellie was, especially when she was asleep. She looked so innocent and peaceful, he swore he could stare at her sleeping form the entire night. Covering her small body with the blanket, he couldn't help but wander of the strange feeling that he felt inside of him. It was so unlike him to care about another person, yet there he was staring at his best friend's sleeping form, thinking how much he wanted to protect her from everything that was spiteful, ruthless, and evil in the world. Trying his best to shake the unfamiliar feeling he felt, he made his way out of her room with a low whisper, "You'd be the death of me, Ellie."


The dawn was barely breaking when a loud crack was heard in the room Ellie was sleeping in, causing her to bolt up, landing on the cold marble floor with a thud and a groan.

"I'm sorry, miss, but Eleanor Potter should not be here!" said a squeaky voice frantically.

Ellie pushed herself off of the floor carefully and climbed to the side of the bed she just fell off. It was then she noticed that the voice belonged to a very familiar house elf whom was now standing in front of her. "Dobby, you never told me you're serving the Malfoys!" she hissed through her gritted teeth, "And by the way, thanks for all the hoots you caused, you almost got Harry expelled!"

"Dobby is very sorry, miss," said the house elf with a low bow, "Dobby only wants to protect miss and Harry Potter."

"Protect us from what, Dobby?"

But before the shaking house elf could answer her, the door opened as none other than Lucius Malfoy himself entered the room.

"Ah, forgive my house elf, Eleanor," he said as he glared at his house elf with pure hatred, "He's not bothering you, is he?"

Ellie noticed how drastically Dobby's nature changed the moment Lucius entered the room. Whatever that was waiting for him, it couldn't be too nice. "Oh no, sir. Just making sure I have everything I need," she lied swiftly witch earned a grateful nod from the house elf.

"At this ungodly hour?" Lucius asked the girl in front of him suspiciously. Ellie felt like she wanted to slap herself. Of course her lie was unbelievable, who would've woken a young girl on the break of dawn just to ask her if she needed anything, but she had no other choice than to roll with the lie she'd told. "Well, he might need a clock, but no harm done Mr. Malfoy."

"Seeing that you're already up, why don't we have a small talk in my study?"

The question was rather rhetorical as Lucius kicked Dobby out of the room and signaled for Ellie to follow him. Pulling a green hoodie with the Slytherin emblem over herself and putting on a pair of shoes, she followed the blonde man out of the room and into his study. Once she entered the study, it was fairly easy to notice that Lucius Malfoy was a proud Slytherin for his study was decorated in nothing but black, green, and silver. The room was slightly darker than the rest of the rooms she had entered within the manor, with the fire crackling in the fireplace being the only source of light, and it also held a chiller atmosphere. Ellie sat in an armchair near a coffee table as Lucius took the seat in front of her. With a flick of his wand, two cups of tea appeared in front of them. He handed one to her and she took it with a soft thank you.

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