Chapter 4.7

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"I can't believe it. It was the bloody first day of school!" exclaimed the young Potter incredulously as she practically marched through the crowded hall.

"Look," started Blaise as he jogged behind the young Potter, shouldering several students as he did so, "Are we really surprised that your brother-"

"The nerve of that toad!"

"Okay, we're not talking about Potter then," muttered Blaise under her breath, which earned himself a warning glare from the other two boys. They had all just made up with her during breakfast, and they were not planning on revoking their apologies or her forgiveness in record time.

"-thinks she could just parade the castle with all her pinks and fluffs like it's Neverland?"

"Neverland?" questioned Theo, but the other two boys just shrugged at him as they were as clueless as he was.

"-I bet on Merlin's balls someone will cast an unforgivable at her."

"Alright, you might want to lower your tone," hissed Draco as they passed the Potion classroom, afraid that their Head of House picked up a few of her colourful choice of diction, "We don't need another Potter getting into detention."

"-and she wants to transfer me a year back!"

"Well, technically-"

"I'll have you know that I am the best in that class!" spat the young Potter with her finger poking Theo's chest, whom had his hands up in surrender and left his sentence unfinished. As they approached the entrance to their common room, Draco tried to reason with her, "Ellie, she's a ministry official-"

"And I'm officially outraged!"

"Ellie, take it down a notch," suggested the boy with jet black hair, well aware of the chaos that tended to follow them whenever the young Potter lost her senses. The four Slytherins walked inside their common room, with three of them looking slightly disheveled - trying and failing to calm down a certain Eleanor Potter tends to cause that effect, and one of them fuming with steams coming out of her ears.

"Vot did we miss?" asked Xenyk as Ellie and the boys joined him and Adrian around the fireplace.

"Potter got detention," informed Theo, "For once, I don't think he deserves it."

"Let me guess," piped Adrian, "Defense?"

"She made us read! That hag!"

"Must be hard since you can't, cousin." That earned him a whack on the head from the younger boy, causing the other boys to laugh at the Quidditch Captain's expense. Ellie stood up abruptly and stomped her feet up to her dorm. The laughter died, and Xenyk jumped to follow the young Potter, only to have his hand being held back by the Quidditch Captain.

"She'll be fine, if that's what you're thinking. We'll get her when it's dinner."

Xenyk was not quite sure about that. If he had learned anything, it was that Eleanor Potter was not one to be left alone when she was upset. She needed someone to be there, quietly, but there. Just to listen to her rant until their ears started ringing, and when she finally gave out, to tell her she'll get through it.

"Trust us," piped the boy with sandy brown hair, "You don't want to get to her when she's outrage, and she actually used the word outrage."

Xenyk shook his head, "I need to check on her."

He climbed the stairs and knocked on the young Potter's room. A girl of her age opened the door, granting Xenyk an entrance. She pointed to a bed with all the posters down, and returned to her own bed. He guessed she was not kidding when she had told him she did not befriended many people at the school, although at the time, he had thought that at least she would befriend her roommate. He peeked into the four-poster bed to find the young Potter mindlessly spinning her wand between her fingers, causing sparks every mow and then. Sitting cross-legged at the edge of her bed, he whipped his own wand, making small sparks fall from the top of her bed and onto them, then the sheets, before finally disappearing. The young Potter smiled at the little light show, and she asked him, "They told you not to follow me, didn't they?"

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