Chapter 1

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Reginas POV

I was switching the Book Page once again. It's been days-Weeks even without Robin and I was working nonstop to find out what could be helping him. Since the Day the Darkness took him I haven't seen him, He was in Storybrooke, I knew that, he also couldn't leave even if he wanted to, yet I felt him so close to me some times even if he was nowhere to be seen. I felt very tired already and I also haven't slept the last nights since I forced myself awake by tons of Coffee and several Pills or Potions. I had to stay awake-I couldn't allow myself to sleep While The Love Of my Life was out there-alone-taken by the Darkness I knew so well from the past already.

It was my all had been mine. If I wasn't there then he would've never Sacrificed hisself and became the Newest Dark One. Suddenly I felt the urge to cry but I couldn't, I couldn't cry without having his Strong arms wrapped around me; I would never stop without them and I had work to do. I thought about several ways to bring my Robin back but I haven't found one single Thing, then...except..maybe...a true Love's Kiss. True Love, the most powerful Magic Of all; it breaks any curse and as Belle told me-it almost turned Rumple back as well at the Enchanted Forest. I'd have to see Robin for that. I'd have to see him in general, to know if he was alright given the Situation. I wanted to snuggle back into his Arms and Never let go. But no- I wasn't in his Arms-I was at the Library looking through the probably one hundredth book already.

Suddenly I felt two Hands On my Shoulders and Immediately hoped for Robin but as I turned around I just saw the Blonde Savior instead as she Looked down at me with a soft smile. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.", She Said as she stroke over my Shoulders with her Fingers a little. "I-It's Okay.", I mumbled. "You have to sleep Regina. Let your Body get some Rest, you can't study Books the Whole time, that won't get us any further.", She Said without stopping to rub my Shoulders in a soothing way, almost causing me to fall asleep already since I was that tired. Wait us? What did she mean? "I-I can't. I need to find a solution to get Robin back.", I mumbled as I closed my eyes and leaned myself against her Body. "Shht. Robin won't be helped if you Don't sleep, he wouldn't want that for you as well Regina, you have to take care of yourself as well.", She Said And released one of my Shoulders as she Stroke the Side Of my Face. I had no Idea why she did it but I was way too tired to question it. "Come here, lets get you to Sleep.", She Said And I opened my Eyes tiredly as she held her hand out for me to take it, Which I did.

She slowly Went outside with me in her Arms since I was suddenly that Tired I would fall asleep right there. It was a wonder I didn't fall asleep right in her Arms Against her Chest Thought. I didn't seem to get how tired I've actually been since I concentrated just on the Books or on finding any way to help My Soulmate. Then we went to my Car and she asked for the Keys. To be honest I was glad I wouldn't have to be in that deathtrap car of hers and I also was glad I wouldn't have to drive. I handed them to her and she opened the Passenger Door for me before getting in the Drivers Seat while I rested my Head At The Window as I closed my Eyes. What I didn't know was that Robin watched the whole scene as well.

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