Chapter 9

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Regina's POV
Smut warning

"Robin...?", I asked as I looked up at him and sat up, We were cuddling naked in the Bed once more. I wanted to stay but I needed to get the Potion done so I could save him. "Yes, My Love?", He asked and sat up as well before he Stroke my Cheek with his Hand. "Um...Can I...Leave? I mean I just need to...for a second..", I stuttered as I met his Eyes. Well not his eyes; these eyes were Cold. "Why would you? You're save here Regina and I won't let anybody hurt you. Especially not with that Emma!", He snapped. "Robin. This has nothing to do with Emma. God Robin She also has a boyfriend!", I Replied. "No.", He snapped. "No?", I asked with a Raised Eyebrow. "No. You're not going to leave. And You're Mine and not Emma's!", He Almost Yelled Before he crashed his Lips Against Mine, taking me by surprise. "I need you...I can't let you leave.", He Said And once again I heard Robin's voice out of it.

He suddenly Turned us so he was leaned over me while My Hands were tangled in his Hair. God he made me forget about everything. He kissed down my Neck And Softly Bit my Earlobe Before His Hands cupped my Naked Breasts Before Squeezing. l moaned a little as I let him take control of me; I knew he liked it and I didn't want to end up cuffed again, not being able to touch him was Horror-I knew it would come Thought-I figured dark One Robin Liked it and as long as he wasn't out terrifying people or killing Emma I was fine with it.

He took both of my Hands in his larger one and started to kiss me deeply while My Legs were wrapped around his Body and I could feel his Rocked Hard Member Against me. He smirked a little as he opened a drawer at the Nightstand and took out some Cuffs before he took my Wrists and cuffed them together. I wasn't even surprised anymore of that. Yet it got my Surprise as he took out more Things. He smirked again and the last thing I could recognize before he blindfolded me was Well, the Blindfold. Then I felt him Putting something around my Neck And turn me around before he pushed my Ass up so I was Kneeling and it was in the Air.

He Stroke over my Ass a few times before I felt him filling me and thrusting Fast; god I couldn't resist this man anything! He Kissed me deeply before he went to suck on my Neck; marking me and leaving his marks on me once again; I didn't mind thought. I felt myself being on the Edge already as he also Rubbed my Core in Circles causing me to cry out. It was amazing but at the same time so frustrating not to be able to see or neither to touch him. I wanted to tangle my Fingers in his Hair and I wanted to see him as he's rocking his Body Against Mine, but I couldn't. I heard him groan as he Thrusted faster and grabbed My Hips, meeting him halfway for each thrust to go deeper inside of me. Even thought I Bit my Lip hard I couldn't help but Moan in Pleasure Before I felt myself reaching the most intense orgasm I've ever had; just a few seconds after me-Robin as he came-inside Of me. God I loved that feeling so much!

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