chapter 4

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(So Taehyung posted a video on twt earlier and the song in it is off the album that I listen to when I write this fic how funny)

Jimin woke with a start. The heavy sound of rain pounded against his window and the rumbling of thunder could be heard across the sky, making Jimin squeal lightly at the sight of the flash of lightning as he scrambled to hide under his blankets. He had always hated storms and luckily there hadn't been one for a long time but of course on the first night he is alone in his new home, a storm has to make him feel even more alone than he already did. Sure he wasn't really alone, Yoongi being only down the hall, but Hoseok had more often than not let him share his bed or had squished onto the couch with the younger as from kids the pair had always been close, and Hoseok knew especially how much Jimin hated to be alone. Jimin sighed as the thought went through his head of just going knocking on Yoongi's bedroom door and awkwardly asking the older to let him stay with him, just until the storm stopped of course- but before he could even process the thought a loud crash of thunder shook the room and Jimin screamed. He hadn't expected the loud noise and in an instant was squeezing his eyes shut bringing the blankets around him and hoping the tears wouldn't spill as he lay there alone and frightened. 

A knock was heard at his bedroom door, before a shuffle of footsteps was heard to reveal a half-asleep Yoongi standing in the doorway, peeking round the door to lay his eyes on the younger mans outline hidden under the mountains of blankets he had buried himself in. "Jimin is everything okay?" Yoongi asked, his voice rough with sleep, as he stepped towards the bed and sat on the edge lightly, not wanting to startle the younger. 

Jimin took a shaky breath before lifting some of the covers from his face and staring back at the older who was looking at him through sleepy eyes, hair a mess. "Y-yeah I jus s-scared is alls," Jimin whispered, stuttering his words as his head space began to slip. 

This usually happened when Jimin was either comfortable around the person, overly excited or feeling particularly vulnerable, which given the current circumstances was undoubtedly the latter. His hands wrapped themselves in the blankets, his fists holding the blanket close to his face to hide his, if even visible, distressed expression. "Would you like me to stay with you until you can sleep? Hoseok mentioned that you didn't really enjoy being alone and I can assume you also don't like storms either," Yoongi stated quietly, giving a light chuckle at the end of his sentence as he realised how dumb he sounded, stating the obvious. Jimin nodded and moved across his bed to allow Yoongi the room to lay down, shuffling one of his many blankets across the bed to keep the older from being cold as he turned on his side to face the younger and closed his eyes, hoping Jimin would do the same. 

Honestly Yoongi hated being woken up, more like despised it. Hearing Jimin scream in the middle of the night wasn't exactly helping his already grouchy mood from earlier, but remembering what Hoseok had briefly told him about Jimin and his past, he decided that perhaps being woken up to make him more comfortable couldn't have been the worst thing in the world. He knew about Jimin's past relationship, which confused the hell out of him and the things Hoseok said didn't quiet make sense in Yoongi's head, the ways in which Jimin was treated that is. He didn't wish to pry into Jimin's business, especially from spending time with him over the past day, noticing how quiet he was, how he hid behind Yoongi in the store, how his behaviour changed when a situation was unknown or challenging for the younger. He also saw how excited Jimin was when Yoongi bought him those things from the store, how his eyes turned to crescent moons when he was told he could keep the plant that he had been so drawn to in the store. Yet this didn't stop Yoongi from feeling annoyed at Jimin. Why did the younger run off as soon as they got home? He couldn't understand why he had done it, just run off like that. 

The thoughts whirring around Yoongi's head were cut off by another squeal as another crash of thunder was heard echoing through the sky, and a small hand reached out to grab Yoongi's arm. Jimin froze, realising that he had entered the olders personal space without asking and slowly drew his arm back, face flushing red in an instant. Yoongi simply laughed under his breath and pulled Jimin to him, "go to sleep, you need it." was all he said as he wrapped an arm loosely around Jimin and felt the younger bury his head into Yoongi's chest, breathing quickly becoming even as he melted in the reassuring hold. 

It wasn't like Yoongi was oblivious. Jimin was obviously more interested in something like drawing than he would be on work, his dance being an exception. The way his eyes lit up at those sparkly pens made Yoongi's heart warm, seeing Jimin so happy at such a small thing. He also noticed how his voice changed when he seemed to be scared, stuttering words with a child-like slur to them. If anything Yoongi found it cute, but didn't understand the matter and therefore decided to either wait for it to unravel in time, or to just do some investigating of his own.

When morning came, Jimin was already awake. He had been laying there for hours, listening to the now gentle sound of the rain against the window and staring between the boring wall behind Yoongi's sleeping frame, and the man himself. His hair was honestly a mess, but Jimin thought it cute and had even dared to move a stray hair from infront of the olders eye and attempt to put it behind his ear, not to much luck. The hair flopped back to it's original position and Jimin let out a huff, cheeks puffing in frustration. "You know, it's actually quite creepy that you're watching me sleep." Yoongi spoke, voice raspy and laced with sleep. Jimin shot back, eyes wide, which made Yoongi chuckle as he opened his eyes and rolled onto his back. 

The two eventually got round to getting up, spending the best part of an hour talking about everything and nothing at the same time. What had really been on Yoongi's mind was Jimin's behaviour the previous day. As he stood at his bathroom mirror the thought of whether or not to ask the younger about it wouldn't leave his mind so he decided to bring it up. He made his way out of his bedroom and to the closed door of Jimin's bedroom. "Jimin-ah," he knocked. He stood there for a few seconds before slowly pulling the door handle open to reveal Jimin wrapped in mountains of blankets, earphones in his ears, colouring in a children's colouring book.

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