The Abandoned Library

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I assume you've all read the edited part of the first chapter, so... um... let's start?


Rose's POV

I ran away as quick as possible, soon, I found myself near an abandoned library. I tried to resist myself from it, but my curiosity just bought me inside it. I start to look around the library when I heard a sound...

"Mwahahahah! Soon, I'll be the greatest villain ever known! I'll start from Rose Cinderella!"

Panting, I quickly sneak out of the room and ran for help.


Astoria's POV

Hawk finally made it to class, but Rose was still not found. When she comes, I'm gonna smack her a thousand times for lowering my grades. Just then, she finally decided to show up.

"*Panting* Guys! Need... help!"

"Help? For what?" Hawk asked her

Rose tried to catch her breathe, and finally says "I heard a voice... at a library... she says that she will be the greatest villain ever known! Then she said she will start it with me!"

Seriously, she was late and now she's making excuses to be late!? (Sorry I had to do this, I know Astoria isn't like that. But if she don't, it will ruin my story plot)

"Ok, Rose Cinderella. Stop making excuses to be late! Can't you just get on time for once?!" I yelled at her. She looked at me in disbelieve

"But... I'm saying the truth!"

"What about we go to check that library Rose was talking about, so we can know if it's true?" Ling Ling suggested.

"Fineeeee, but after class, ok?"

They all smiled at me and nodded.

After class

"Let's go?" I asked. They all nodded and Rose led the way.

Rose's POV

I led them to the abandoned library, Astoria got excited since she saw a lot of books she haven't read before. I stopped at the place where I heard the voice, I peek through the books and see whether that owner of the voice is here. I saw no one, then I heard a voice... but it's from Travis. (Lol, did I get you? Hahah... not funny... back to the story)

"There's no one, I think it's just your imagination?"

"I knew you were just making excuses, next time, make a better one. But I'll forgive you this time since you brought me to a place that has books I've never read."

Then Astoria quickly ran away before I can speak. Hawk and the others also went to explore the place when I heard another voice.

"I know you're here, Rose Cinderella. I'll get you..."

That voice! I ran to the others, but they are no where to be found. I then saw them leaving, I caught up and asked

"You heard that, right?"

"Heard what?" Joy questioned back

"The voice I was telling to you earlier!"

They exchanged a worried look

"I think you should check your ears Rose, none of us heard the voice..." said Ling Ling

What?! It can't be! I heard it clearly as if the voice was right behind me! I sighed and walked to the opposite direction.

Travis's POV

We shrugged and walked away, thinking about what happened earlier.

"What do you think Rose means when she says there's a noise?" Hawk wondered

"Probably an excuse for something else..." Astoria rolled her eyes like it was none of her business.

Rose's POV

I walked away very upsetting since my friends didn't trust me one bit, I swear I really heard someone said that. But... who? Just then, I thought I saw someone spying on me, but I found no one. Maybe it's just my imagination...

No one's POV

Little did she know... someone is spying on her every move... then left like a shadow...


I know this my short, and I'm sorry. I hope you like it!
Next chapter is gonna be a heartbreaking one, please don't be mad at me for doing this. I promise it's gonna be a happy ending.
I might post another part on Friday or Saturday.
Comment what and who that mysterious person is! I would love to know what you think.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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