The Evil Plan

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I'm sorry for not posting in a few days, but I realised that there are only a few viewers at the last chapter. So please tell me if I have to do anything to make the story better. And just in case, maybe I'll post the story every 2 or 3 days.


Rose's POV

"Rose! There you are! Astoria was getting furious because you're getting late!" Hawk shouted towards me

"Ugh, just tell her to leave without me!" I answered him

"What?! But..."

"Just leave already!"

"Ok, ok... fine... I'm leaving. *Mumbles* What happened to you, Rose?"

I heard him but I don't want to start up another conversation with him, that's why I just walked away.

"Play nice!" I recognised its Cynthia's voice and answered, "Why should I?"

"So that no one will be suspicious when we do our evil plans."

"Yah sure, I already changed groups. Isn't that more than enough suspicious for them?!"

"... Mind your own business, just apologise to them and make an excuse to Hawk Snow White after you've treated him so badly."

"Fine, I'm on my way." And then I left.

Ceremony Class

"I'm sorry, Hawk. I'm just a bit stressed... I shouldn't take it out on you..."

"It's ok Rose, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Of course, I'll tell you... when the time comes" I turned around and smirked.

"We saves you a sit, aren't you joining us?"

"Huh? No... I've moved team..."

"What?!" Everyone in class looks at him. "Why?"

"I... don't know? I just felt likely to change and experience some different groups... I'll still hang out with you guys, don't worry."

"If you say so... see you after class?"

I smiled "see you after class"

I sighed in relief and walk over to Vicky's.

"What are you doing here?" Kira sled annoyingly

"Oh you wouldn't want to mess with me, or I could try my new powers on you, my dear Kira..." I threatened them

Then out of nowhere, Cynthia appears

"Play nice to them, they are your new teammates after all." She said

"New teammate?! When does a goody goody two shoes come in our team?" Vicky questioned

"Good? That's not a word for me anymore..." I said while playing with my fingers "I prefer... evil." Then my eyes had a flash of green and went back to blue.

"Looks like we have two new friends..." Vicky and Kira said together in unison while Cyrus is sleeping. They face palmed.

"The name's Cynthia, Cynthia Facilier. Granddaughter of Doctor Facilier."

*Gasps* "So cool! I've always admire him!" Vicky exclaimed

"Thanks, and yours?"

"Mine is Vicky, Vicky Broomstick... and my brother... Cyrus Broomstick."

"Please don't let him join our evil plans when we're on action, I have a feeling he'll ruin it." I said

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