1k Special

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Thank you all so much! You've all helped me to reach 1k. At first I thought that no one would even bother to see this, but it's all thanks to you that I reached 1k readers! This is a one shot story and is not a part of the original 'I'm Sorry' but still, please enjoy this story!


Rose's POV

Today our team will be hanging on Earth! Isn't that awesome?! Travis and I were waiting at the portal waiting for Hawk and the others.

"Hey Rose and Travis!" Joy came out and greeted us

"Earth sure is weird..." Astoria took a glimpse outside the valley

"Really? I think this place is cool as ice." Hawk said

"Maybe you might think it's weird and maybe it is, but today I want to take you all to the positives" I said

"Yea! Earth have a lot of cool places after all, right Ling Ling?"

"Yea, I've seen many" Ling Ling replied

"You've been here before? Like explored?" Joy asked

"Yes I have, one day Travis just approached me and asked me on a date at Earth." She said proudly

"Ling Ling! That was supposed to be our secret!" Travis said blushing

"Hm? You don't want the others to know? Am I a embarrassment to you?" She asked, batting her eyelashes

"W-What?! No! Of course not"

"Good, because if you think that way, we're done... just kidding" Ling Ling giggled

I'm glad they are satisfied this moment, I was so scared they might hate Earth for some reason...

"So Rose, where are we going first?" Hawk asked

"Thought you'd never ask, come with me!" And the others followed me

I stopped in front of a majestic white castle.

"Wow, I thought fairytales aren't real in Earth?" Astoria said

"And it still isn't real, but this is a Castle for Queen Elizabeth, the queen of United States." I answered (I'm not entirely sure about where she lives except for Earth, so I'll just use US)

"Truly magnificent! I've never seen anything like it." Hawk said

"I know, we can't find things like this at the Fairytale Land after all." Joy said

"Ehem..." Hawk eyed at the others

"Oh... right, um Rose, I'm taking the others to a nearby cafe to rest, but Hawk would like to see more so will you..." Travis said

"Oh, sure thing! Come with me Hawk, there's so much more I want to show you!" I said

And then, Hawk did the most unexpected thing ever! He spin me around and before I get to realise what's happening, he pressed his lips against mine. Few seconds later, he broke the kiss while I'm standing there still processing what's happening.

"S-Sorry, I shouldn't just-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence, I wasn't thinking anymore. I wanted to kiss him again, it felt... great...? Hawk turned my soft kiss into a passionate one, his hand are on my waist not letting go of me. A while later we broke the kiss, gasping for air.

Our forehead touch each other, we stare at one another lovingly and I can say, this is the best day of my life.

"Happy 1000 views day Rose" Hawk said

"Happy 1000 views Hawk" I replied with a peck on his lips


It's short, but sweet. A bit late with this but I really want to say thank you to all of you! I wouldn't have gone this far without all of you supporting me and reading those rubbish chapters, it's far from good but I still want to show you all my gratitude. I will work much harder than before, so please bear with me!

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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