Drew's House

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As i walked over to Drew's, i noticed some other guy HUGGING MY MAN i mean, hugging drew. i hid in the hedge outside drew's house, until they both went inside, and then i waited exactly 0.69 seconds and knocked on the door. drew opened the door. my heart fluttered, which is weird because i got that removed last year. "hi?" drew said. shit. i forgot i'd been watching him through the cracks in his basement floor boards, and we'd never talked before. "hi!" i said, flipping my hair back to show off my exquisite belt buckle. i saw the new kid, who looked about 15, glance down at it. i thought of killing him. "i'm your neighbor, jackie" i explained.i shook both of their hands at the same time, letting go of drew's half a second later than the teenager's. "if you need anything come on over!" i said eyeing drew, then i turned and heard the door shut behind me.  as i walked home, a thought occurred to me. i could make a voodoo doll of that one bird looking teen that hugged my boi. i slipped into my dwelling, barely avoiding the bear trap in the entryway. i walked to my room grabbing a voodoo doll on my way. "here we go" i say to myself as i slip into the underground tunnels that connect to drew's basement. i had to get a strand of hair from the pumpkin.

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