Nothing but Trouble

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Peridot (POV):

I plugged in my ear buds as i was walking down my street, and pressed play. The song "Life been good so far" started to play and i mumbled to myself "life sucks." I finally made it to the end of my street and took a right turn onto a busy street, with the morning rush hour. I was walking on the sidewalk that was covered in ice hoping that i wouldn't fall straight on my face. I finally made it past the ice and continued walking until i was faced with a small ice patch. Pssh i made it this far i can easily walk on this i thought to myself. I took one step on the ice and fell straight on my wrist "SHIT" I yelled. It wasn't broken but it hurt so bad, I sat on the ground contemplating whether or not just to go back home and skip school, but I wanted to see Lapis any chance I could get. So after about a minute of cursing under my breath I finally got up, and continued my walk to school.

Lapis (POV):

My mom had forced me to go into school, even when i knew there was barely gonna be anyone there.I was sitting grumpy in the passenger seat of my moms van as she was driving me into school until I spotted a familiar person. I told my mom to stop the car, she obliged, and I hopped out the car. I speed walked to catch up with Peridot, but damn that girl can walk fast. I finally caught up after I decided to start jogging up to her.

"Hey Peri" I said as i waited for her to realize i was there. She jumped as she heard my voice almost into oncoming traffic until i caught her with one hand and pulled her back. Which caused us both to fall back onto the shoulder of the road, her on top of me, i blushed furiously and turned away trying to hide the blush. I've always had feelings for her ever since 7th grade, but I have absolutely no idea if she was gay, so i just kept myself quite.

It was only a few moments until she hopped off me like a flash of light. She helped me get up and i brushed my jeans off. "Sorry for scaring you, i honestly didn't think i was that scary." I said still looking away into passing cars. "It's fine, anywho why are you here?" she asked so confused. "The real question is why are you walking on a busy ass street without a jacket, it's legit one degree out." I said really concerned. "Well I missed my bus and i was too nervous to ask my neighbors, and Pearl refused to pick me up" she responded. "You could have just asked me to pick you up" I told her. "I don't want to be a burden on you.", "Peridot you're not a burden" i responded with deep concern. We then continued walking into school together, and once we stepped into school it felt so nice compared to outside. "Welp this is my stop" Peri said at the stairs. "alright then i'll see you first period" I said walking away to my locker.

Peridot (POV):

I skipped up the stairs, to be honest i didn't care what people thought of me skipping through the halls. Well it looks like this day is gonna be a good day after all, i thought to myself. I then got to my floor and froze as i saw who was leaning on my locker, I quickly pivoted on my heel until i heard a booming voice. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Jasper spook striking fear into my body, I froze. Until i felt a massive hand grab my shoulder and turn me around. "When i ask you a question you answer me" She commanded, i gulped, feeling like i was being stabbed in the throat ten million times, and nodded. "Ok now let me ask this again, where the hell do you think you're going?" she repeated. "Please just let me go to my locker, Jasper, i don't understand why we have to do this every morning?" Before I even knew what was happening she punched me square in the stomach making me bend over and fall to the ground. My body wasn't made to withstand a punch like that, actually no human body was made to withstand that type of force to the stomach. I was laying on the floor hold my stomach until i saw another punch approaching my face, she punched me right in the forehead causing me to lay on my back holding my head and groaning. Then multiple kicks landed on my abdomen, legs, arms, and a few made contact with my head. I was just laying on the floor not even trying to fight back because i knew i wouldn't have enough energy to. I received multiple blows to the head, I was rapidly losing my hearing and sight, I could only hear Jasper's muffiled laughs, and my vision was quickly being blocked by my own blood. Then just as quickly as it started it stopped after i could hear someone screaming.

Lapis (POV):

I could hear screaming coming from the next floor up, i ran to the next floor only to find a towering figure standing above "PERIDOT" I yelled at the top of my lungs running to attack Jasper. Jasper quickly turned around blocking her face from me jumping on top of her. She quickly threw me off against the lockers and quickly pinned me to the wall. "Keep your mouth shut or next time it's gonna be the end of her" she said through her teeth and dropped me to the ground, walking away laughing. I quickly stood up and ran over the Peridot, she had blood running down from her head. I picked her up bridal style and took her to the nurse.

Howdy folks I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it. And I apologize for taking a bit to write it I've been busy with school so i don't know the next time i'll update but i'll try my best to update soon. Toodles 


Lapidotispowercouple 💚💙💚💙

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