You're Under Arrest

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Lapis POV:

"Shit" I said with Peridot as a tall woman dressed in a yellow business suit, with a ring that held a yellow diamond on her finger walked into the nurse's office. "Lapis, get to class" she said with a strong voice while staring me down. "Uuh yes Mrs. Yellow" I said standing up hanging my head low not try to make eye contact with her. I made it towards the door and took one last look back at Peridot who was just sitting on the bed shaking in fear of her own mother. "No" I said turning around. "Excuse me?" Mrs.Yellow said looking back slightly turning her head enough to glance (like in the theme song). "I'm staying here with Peridot" I said sitting down next to Peridot and held her hand, which made her stop shaking. "Are you questioning my authority?" "Yup, I'm surprised it took you this long, it's probably because of your pea sized brain" I said pointing a finger at Mrs. Yellow. "Lapis what are you doing?" Peridot whispered from behind me. "Here take a video, we need evidence" I handed my phone to Peridot. "Ms. Lazuli you are out of a-line, you are to respect me" "I'll respect you once you respect Peridot" I said pointing back towards Peridot. Mrs. Yellow follows my finger to Peridot and just squinted at her. "You're dead Peridot I've had enough of you" She starts charging towards Peridot at full speed. At that moment everything felt like it was going in slow motion, one second Mrs.Yellow was just standing there and the next second she was darting at Peridot. I had to act quick because Peridot just froze up in fear. Without thinking I sprinted full speed at Mrs. Yellow using all my body weight to knock her down.

Peridot POV (this sorta goes back a few minutes):

Lapis passed her phone back to me and i almost dropped it from shaking to much. "Ms. Lazuli you are out of a-line, you are to respect me." My mother said striking daggers into Lapis' eyes and Lapis returned the favor. "I'll respect you once you respect Peridot" Lapis said pointing back at me, as i was recording with Lapis' phone. My mom followed where Lapis was pointing, which was at me and squinted at me. My heart stopped when my mom say "you're dead peridot I've had enough of you," and she started charging at me at full speed. Everything was so fast, I just tensed up and froze from fear, i was scared for my life. Until I see Lapis sprinting full speed at my mom, using herself to knock my mom down to the ground. I dropped the phone from shock as I saw my mom sitting on top of Lapis throwing punches at her, Lapis was blocking all of them with her arms. I ran and jumped up on my mothers back and pulled her back with my weight to distract her letting Lapis get up. I finally let go as I saw Lapis charging at my mother, Lapis tackled my mom like she was a football player. I pulled out my phone and called the police, the police station was right down the road from the school so it only took five minutes to get here. The police came into the nurses office to see my mom sitting on top of Lapis throwing punches at her. Three police officers pulled my mom off Lapis and put her in handcuffs and put her into the back of the police car.

Lapis POV:

"Ms. Lazuli are you ok?" one of the officers asked me. "Yeah I'm fine, just a few bruises here and there it should heal in a week." "Ok have a nice day Ms. Lazuli." The officer said getting into her car, with Mrs. Yellow in the back, and driving away. Then I remembered that Peridot was still here. I walk back to the nurse's office to see the room empty. "Oh come on Periiiiiiiiiii" i whined and pulled out my phone to text her.

Water Witch: Yo where did you go?

There was no response.

I started to panic not knowing where she was. I started speed walking through the halls looking for her. I walked past a door leading outside, I stopped and turned around and walked back to the door and looked through the window on it. I saw Peridot sitting next to a Japanese cherry blossom tree, she was sitting in a little ball. I opened the door and walked out to her. "Hey Peri" "hey Lapis", "so why you sitting out here all alone in a little ball?" I asked her. "Well since my mom was taken to jail, I don't want to live back at my house, because of being alone with Jasper." "Well you could always live with me" I offered to the blonde. "Wait, really? I don't want to be a burden on you." "Peri you're not a burden, if anything you're a blessing", "thank you so much Lapis, i really appreciate this, I don't know what I would have done if i had to return to that house." Peridot practically tackled me with a hug. I fell down on my back and just hugged her back. "Well you're gonna have to go back to all your stuff." "I don't have anything to get, it's all in my school bag" "Wait, really? It's all in your bag?" "Yeah i only have a few pairs of clothes, a tooth and hair brush, and a picture of my dad." "oh alright well i guess I can get my mom to pick us up." I said as i was pulling out my phone.

Lapis: Hey mom I need you to pick me and my friend Peridot from school.

Mum: Any specific reason?

Lapis: It's sorta a long story, I'll tell you later

Mum: Alright I'm on my way

I put my phone back in my pocket while I stood up. "Let's go to the parking lot and wait for my mom to come get us." I said offering my hand to help Peridot stand up, she pulled herself up while using my hand for support. We then started to walk to the parking lot, side by side, in silence we made it to the parking lot. I squatted down and sat on the curb waiting for my mom. Peridot continued to stand, i patted the spot next to me with my hand telling her to sit down with me. She looked over at my hand "um what?" I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not, so just to get it across to her what i wanted her to do i made it verbal. "Come sit with me, she might take a bit" "oh alright" she walked over and sat next to me. We were sitting there for ten minutes when I saw her start to shiver out of the corner of my eye. Without saying a word, I took off my leather jacket and threw it around her. I then scooted towards her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, trying to keep her warm. My heart skipped a beat when she leaned her head on my shoulder. But as quick as it started it ended when my mom's van pulled into the parking lot.

YOOOO so i have no idea if i used to many details or not enough and i need help improving my writing so please pm me if you have any writing tips.

Thanks for reading 

Lapidotispowercouple OUT💚💙💚💙

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