A Cuter Nightmare.

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Passive!Nightmare x Cross


After the last chapter, I realized how much I dislike lemons and smut. You can still request them, but I won't be doing many of them.


Nightmare's P.O.V


I was sitting peacefully on the couch, flipping through the pages of my book.

"No way! What if we hurt Nightmare?" I heard a voice mutter.

"Nah, it won't hurt em'" I heard a different voice whisper.

I was getting annoyed with the talking, so I put ear plugs in my non-existent ears.

I groaned, this book was so cliche, why can't people just be original?

I got up to take another book from my bookshelf, until I heard a voice yell, 'NOW!'

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I felt a burning sensation move through my body.

I screamed with pain, clutching my head while falling to the ground.

Everyone looked at me with fear, backing away.

"I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Cross yelled, running over, attempting to help me back up.

I could feel some of my goo melting off, revealing my weak skeletal body.

"YOU ALL ARE SO DEAD!" I cried, the others remaining unfazed due to my pathetic new look.

"Pfft, It's hard to take you seriously like that." Horror snorted, falling into a pit of hysterics.

Everyone joined him, aside from Cross, who looked guilty.

A purple tint covered my cheeks, "SHUT UP!"

I ran off to my room, annoyed at the disrespect from my fellow comrades.

I flopped onto my bed, waiting for me to turn back into my corrupted form.

I was going to murder them all.

I lifted my head, and eventually mustered up the courage to open a portal to the Star Sans'.

I stepped in, and immediately got tackled down into a hug.

"WHO THE FU- Dream?" I asked.

"Brother! I-I thought I had lost you!" Dream cried, sobbing into my shoulder.

I pushed him off, "Whatever, stop crying."

Dream looked at me surprised, before pestering me with questions.

"How did you turn back? Why did you come here? Do you still love me? How did you turn corrupted? Did it hurt? Are you completely back to normal?"

I put my hand up to silence him, "My idiotic teammates poured water into me, I came here to turn back, I always have, you know how, of course it did, and I will never be the same."

Dream looked down, guilt in his eyes, "O-Oh."

I crossed my arms expectantly, "So? Help me."

"Y-you want my help? Oh course dear brother! But, I would prefer you stay this way." Dream admit, staring into my eyes.

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