Strawberry Senpai...

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Cross x Strawberry!Nightmare
(I honestly don't know what this is, there is violence involved though.)


I tried to make Strawberry Nightmare as accurate as possible, so, sorry if It's not.


Cross' P.O.V


I was laying on the couch, munching on the chocolate that the others attempted to hide from me.


"Horror, where did all of the chocolate go?" I whined, playfully smacking his shoulder.

He sneered, "How am I supposed to know? You probably just ate it all, now leave me alone."

I frowned, rechecking the cabinets to make sure I didn't misplace my stash.

I peered over my shoulder, to meet a shiny yellow object I had seen in my peripheral vision.

It was a lock, attached to a cabinet.

I groaned im frustration as everything clicked into place, this must be where the chocolate was hidden.

I looked around, seeing Nightmare watching TV peacefully.

He was spinning around a keychain, where I assumed the key attached was the key to opening the cabinet, and receiving my hard-earned chocolate.

I grinned widely, dashing over to Nightmare, and plopping on the empty spot on his left.

He didn't even spare me a glance.

He then started to throw the keychain up and down, catching it in his gooey hands each time.

The key rattled as he threw it up in the air once again, but I took this moment to stealthily grab it, before it hit his hand again.

I examined it, and took a quick look at Nightmare.

He didn't seem to notice, so I went back to the kitchen cabinet with the lock on it.

I shoved the key into the key hole, and twisted it, hearing a satisfying click.

The lock unlocked, and I flung open the cabinet, a high-pitched creaking sound filling the room.

My eyes sparkled, seeing what some would call 'a life time supply of chocolatey goodness.'

I poured everything into my shirt, and when it started to overfill, I put some the rest in a huge bag I got from a thrift store.

I skipped back to my room, jolly as ever, and ready to stuff my face.

*Flashback end*

How foolish of them to think I wouldn't find I way.

The front door slammed open, showing the silhouette of an infuriated Nightmare.

I gulped, attempting to hide the chocolate behind me.

Key word, attempting.

Nightmare stormed over to me, towering over me. He looked like a menace.

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