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Fell!Cross x Fell!Nightmare
(Slight Fluff)


There is a swearing warning, this includes an immense amount of curse words. I just figured that it would be "appropriate" for the characters, seeing as they're the Fell versions. Shouldn't be too bad though, they're only used as insults.


I couldn't find much information on Fell Nightmare, but I think that I could guess.


Nightmare's P.O.V


I scoffed, watching as Cross slaughtered a bunch of Papyrus'.

He thinks he's so cool... Papyrus' are weak, I could easily overpower him.

Cross caught sight of me, and strolled over.

He winked, "Hey."

I glared at him, "The fuck do you want?"

He pulled at my collar, "What you talking about, you were the one who was staring at me..."

I pushed him away, "Shut the fuck up, I was just thinking about how pathetic you are."

He laughed bitterly, "Bitch, I'd like to see you do any better."

I didn't reply, only looking to the ground.

He walked off, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Fucking asshole, who does he think his is?

I went back to my mansion, contemplating what he had said.

As I flung the front doors open, I looked to my left to see Horror and Killer "Boxing."

Except, they were both shit at it.

Killer kept dodging Horror's punches, but not actually throwing one himself.

Horror's aim was crap, he kept aiming for his skull, even though that was literally the only area that wasn't exposed, as he had headgear on.

I would yell out for Horror to punch his ribs, as I am a fan of violence, but this level of stupidity didn't deserve my advice.

I looked to my right to see Error and Dust verbally fighting.

I didn't even bother listening into the conversation, and just headed upstairs.

I placed my gooey phalanges onto my, also, gooey skull.

I could do way better than that runt... But how would I be able to prove that?

Well, verbally fighting like Error and Dust doesn't do shit.

Boxing like Horror and Killer is only for a pussy.

How about we just do an old fashioned fight?

I cackled, excited to see his face when his ribs are being ripped out.

The thought made me scarily pleased.

I took out my phone, ringing him up.


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