Of Only He Could...

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Link sat in the old wooden windowsill of Zelda's broken room—waiting for the princess to finish searching for old belongings that may still be intact. Link huffed out an exaggerated sigh. So far, nothing has changed but the fact that Calamity Ganon was defeated. Maybe a few renovations around the castle but that was it.

Link continued to gaze at the view before light steps came into earshot from behind.

"Guess you missed me after all," Zelda smirked.

"Oh sure," Link replied sarcastically, "Keep dreaming!"

Zelda gave giggle and twirled around to leave the ruined castle through the balcony. Link watched as her angelic gold hair flowed behind her like a waterfall. It was...mesmerizing. The world around her always seemed to slow and blur as she walked by. Her steps were so perfect. Her voice. Her face. Everything about her was just...beautiful. Flawless.

Link shook his head out of the daze. It was a strange feeling...one that made his heart flutter and face get hot. It had been happening for a while now and Link couldn't understand why. It always happened whenever the princess was around him or even just brought up as a topic of conversation. Link could barely identify what it was though...was he sick? Was Zelda sick? Did she try a horrible new perfume? Or was it...no. Couldn't have been.

Ugh...why am I thinking about this now? Link thought to himself, I'm gonna have to deal with this later...

Link got up from the dusty windowsill, brushed himself off, and jogged towards Zelda, who seemed to have stopped to study the inanimate guardians.

"It appears that they have fulfilled their purpose..." Zelda had muttered to herself, "...even though it wasn't exactly what they were built for. But what could've been able to shut them down like...like this?"

"Whatcha doin'?" Link asked.

"None of your beeswax," Zelda retorted, "How about you? Don't you have anything more important to do than follow me around? It's not like Ganon's going to pop out of nowhere again and kill me."

Link stepped back.

"Well, excuse me, princess! I was just asking what you were doing. And besides, aren't you supposed to be on your way to Gerudo to check on Naboris?" Link added as he held out his arms in question

A cold wind swept across the empty castle grounds as Zelda gave a glare as cold as the chill that came after. Zelda's fists clenched slightly as her face turned a darker shade of color.

"I'm sorry, but do you realize that this is the princess you are talking to? At least have some respect...also, I can go wherever I want whenever I want," Zelda spat.

Link simply rolled his eyes and turned his head to see the sky. It was golden-yellow and dotted with pink and lavender clouds. The shimmering horizon glowed brilliantly, but not as fantastic as how Zelda's eyes glowed. They seemed to almost sparkle with the bright green that painted her irises. It was always breathtaking.

Link shook his head at the thought. His heart fluttered once more—the third time that day. It had become frustrating because it was so strange and he couldn't identify it.

He sighed. Link and Zelda had been at the castle for hours now, and they had barely spoken at all... other than the small quarrel and some simple words during travel. Link frowned at the thought of how Zelda's been actingblately. She had been quieter and less talkative and had a glum look.

Link drifted away from his thoughts once more. And, in boredom, he shot his finger at Zelda's back.

No reaction.

Link poked her again.

Still no reaction.

Link then sent a rapid fire of finger punches until Zelda finally reacted.

"Would you please stop, Link!?" Zelda yelled at the knight.

"Well, then can you tell me why you're so glum-looking lately?" Link said back, "Are you really okay?"

"I told you! It's none of your business! Can't you just stop bugging me?"

"Well, I just can't help the fact that you aren't who you were a couple days ago! I'm probably the only one who noticed, but you really don't seem okay,"

Zelda sighed in sync with Link.

"Well?" Link pushed on, "can you please tell me? It's getting me worried that something might be wrong...i-is it me?"

Link stepped forth, waiting for an answer.

"Okay..." Zelda began, "I found Father's last journal entries three days ago. I couldn't help but think about how abruptly the entries ended."

Her angered look softened into a sad smile as she continued, "It's pretty funny to think that my father actually felt sorry for me. It turned out that he was actually thinking about the Calamity and the power that I couldn't awaken. He had prepared a gift for me as an apology." Zelda looked down, her eyes beginning to gloss, as she continued, "He sat there, waiting for me to return...but he never got to...it was too late. Ganon came and practically murdered the castle. I was with you most likely somewhere in the wild...where we were clueless of my father's death."

Zelda's fists clenched harder as a tear began to roll down her cheek, "I never got to say goodbye..."

Link could only stand and watch. He tried to comfort his friend, but didn't know how. Would he try to say something? That would be too unsafe due to how fragile the princess was at this state.

Link simply decided to take her back to the horses and find a place to settle for the night.

Zelda's point of view...

Zelda could feel her face turning hot as she was pulled by Link to the gates of the abandoned castle. It seemed to be that Link was feeling the same way, due to how sweaty his gloved hand was. It was funny, really, to think about the simple little things Link does to show his best friend that he cared.

"Sorry I yelled at you," Zelda began. "That was stupid and childish of me."

She looked down. Zelda could feel Link's ocean-blue gaze burning into her as they neared the large, metal gates.

"It's okay...I understand!" Link happily replied, sorry I poked you though, I originally wanted to see a reaction, but I used that question as an excuse."

Zelda grinned. Apparently, they both had excuses. What was really bothering Zelda lately was the fact that she didn't know what had made her so serious. She always loved spending time with Link and having rides in the fields with Anope, her horse, but a certain feeling had been bothering Zelda...one that won't leave her alone. It seemed to be almost as annoying as a bored Link.

When Link and Zelda had arrived at their horses, Zelda caught a glance from Link, who had been red-faced the whole time as they walked over. When they mounted, Link continued glancing at Zelda with an innocent, blushed face until they left Hyrule castle.

Dark soon came and the Princess and Knight were soon to set came. Link spotted a large, rock that had an empty space beneath. He looked over at Zelda, who had barely been staying awake. He grinned and stopped the horses at a nearby tree and started a fire. Zelda seemed to have been fast asleep by the time Link finished.

He lifted her off her mount and gently carried her to a soft mat he had laid out before. Zelda rolled to one side as she was placed and Link covered her in a blanket.

Link then sat by the fire, watching Zelda as she peacefully slept and occasionally mumbling something to herself. Link grinned. If only je could feel so peaceful. If only he could...

Wazzup! Author here! Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of this ZeLink Fan-Fiction! So far, it does not seem to go anywhere special, but I promise you that it will DEFINITELY get more... "zelinky"    That being said, I hope to see you return! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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