Cub in Need

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"Seriously? Of all the places that dart could've fallen it lands here ... should've just gone surfing instead. Oh well, better make the most of this vacation." A tall blonde man muttered as he appeared in Diagon Alley through a burst of green flames courtesy of the Floo network.

The man's name was Brian White, the headmaster of Legerdemain Academy of Sorcery in Australia who at the moment was regretting coming to the old fashioned, stuck in the past magical UK. It was simply not his style. He was dressed in brown pants, blue jacket and white t-shirt with brown boots. Everyone was in robes ...

Brian simply sighed and ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, "Blimey ... I haven't seen so many robes since the graduation ceremony and I'm supposed to get away from school hmmm ... maybe the muggle side will be less ... stuffy." It disturbed him a bit when he heard people calling snake speakers evil or insulting people who came from non-magical families. He personally had nothing but respect for non-magical people. He couldn't imagine being without his magic.

Ignoring the wide range of looks shot his way with great skill he moved through the crowd of people, but he stopped when something caught his eye. Being the educator he was he couldn't help but smile as he saw a kid trying a spell and went to help.

"What are you trying to cast there, kid, and where are your parents?" Brian asked as he kneeled next to the red hair boy.

"My mom is in that shop trying to haggle prices." Brian winced as he looked at the shop the boy pointed to and saw a redheaded woman squabbling with the clearly scared shop owner. "I wanted to try the levitating spell, but it's not working. Oh I'm Percy, who are you?"

"I'm Brian White. Why don't you try it and let me see?" The headmaster offered kindly.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Percy flicked his wand at a pebble on the side of the street.

"I see, you're saying it perfectly, but you're wrist motion is too jerky. Try to relax your grip and keep your movements fluid." He instructed softly. The boy nodded and tried again with more relaxed and smooth motions. Brain grinned as the pebble rose into the air before dropping down after a few seconds. "Very good, Percy!" He chuckled as Percy gave a whoop of joy.

"Thank you, Mr. White." The smiling redhead said.

"It was no trouble. So when are you going back to school?" Brian asked.

Percy pouted, "I'm only nine. Hogwarts starts at 11. My parents got me a wand early to get used to it, but I can't really start learning for two years. It's not fair, I see my brothers learning all sorts of awesome things- ... looks like my mom is done. Bye!"

The shocked headmaster muttered a 'see ya kid' as he watched the kid take his mother's hand and walk away. Not fair indeed, his school starts at five years old! He just figured Percy was having trouble with that particular spell. After all, every kid had that one subject or spell that gives them trouble and may take more time or that that spell was done later at Hogwarts than his school ... the later was sort of true. The boy hasn't even started school yet!

Eleven! Bloody hell!

Now accompanied by a furious twitch in his right eyebrow the headmaster made a beeline for the exit intent on leaving before he shoved his steel toed boot up someone's ass ... again, Long story involving a teacher he discovered was abusing his students. Finally, he found the spot where people were leaving to the muggle world and left. It was somewhat of a relief to get out of there even if he ended up in a strange pub.

The man behind the counter smiled, "Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron, I'm Tom. Haven't seen you before. Where are you from?"

"Australia, came for a vacation ... sorry, I'm Brian White, nice to meet you." Brian smiled and shook the pub owner's hand.

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