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seungmin watches from across the room, sitting in a seat. legs slightly spread as a finger taps on the arm rests. his eyes still are glued onto the scene, not daring to take a look away. though it was wrong, he scanned the boy millions of times. memorizing his body, small features to how he moved. seungmin wasn't obsessed, more of observant. an observant boy who had found a liking within someone else.

hwang hyunjin. a boy he couldn't have but wanted.

but yet, hwang hyunjin was taken. he was taken by a special boy named bang chan, the one and only. they had been dating since the beginning of the year, months passing and their relationship had still managed to be stable.

seungmin had reasons to why they should break up. chan didn't seem quite interested in hyunjin from the looks of his eyes. at the start, they sparkled with astonishment, not being able to intake the younger's beauty. but now, the sparkle was becoming dull and someone else had been tugging at his heart strings. how did seungmin know? because chan looked at this boy as if he was his whole world.

and he was that boy. chan and hyunjin sat next to each other in high stool chairs drinking a concoction made by some high schooler. they were at a party and seungmin glanced quickly, noticing how chan's eyes were on him while he sipped his drink. he had the urge to go up to them, yet seungmin knew how chan was. an indirect and direct flirt who had tricks up his sleeve while hyunjin was oblivious as always. so he sets his drink down, licking his lips as he walks on over.

chan shifts slightly, hyunjin who's talking to a friend is caught off guard when seungmin walks past him and goes directly towards chan. hyunjin knew seungmin, they both were in each other's history class and he could fairly say he was quite the nice guy. but they weren't that close. brushing the boy off, he goes back to chatting with the other.

"hey channie.." he whispers, to where only the blonde can hear. "you shouldn't be staring at other boys when you have one for yourself?"

chan looks at hyunjin to see if he's watching. "princess, shut your mouth." he plays with a piece of seungmin's hair, "jinnie isn't as cute as you.."

seungmin smiles, it's artificial though. he lets out a cute little 'hm..', "damn this ain't fair.."

chan whispers, "what isn't fair? that I'm with hyunjin and you're all alone baby? I can't change it so abruptly."

there are thoughts running within seungmin's mind that he can not easily say. he can't help but view chan as a dumbass senior with a twitching dick which he can't keep in his pants. hating the view of chan in front of him, he leans a bit to see hyunjin still busy. seungmin who's standing puts a hand on chan's thigh, he whispers softly into his ear. "you're right...you can't.", slowly a devilish smile forms on to his face. but I can.

BREAK UP WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND, I'M BORED . seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now