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seungmin wraps his arms around hyunjin's waist, pulling him closer as they kissed. hyunjin doesn't think about the consequences and kisses back. what was there to loose? his 'boyfriend' was playing with someone else, so why couldn't he have his own fun?

"s—seungmin..." he whines as seungmin's lips trails down to hyunjin's jawline. "it..it tickles..."

"chan never did this to you?" seungmin questions softly, hyunjin replies with a breathy 'no'. "what a shame, you'd look really pretty covered in hickeys."

hyunjin squirms within seungmin's arms from the new feeling. sure, chan and him have kissed many times but this was something new. one of hyunjin's hands grip onto seungmin's shoulder, his nails digging in slowly from the pleasure.

"m—min.." he whines, "someone will see us.."

"let them see." seungmin tells, "you belong to someone else now."

hyunjin shudders from his words, they were firm yet sugarcoated with a warm feeling. he couldn't help but fall in love with them. closing his eyes, he allows seungmin to work on his neck. "seungmin...m—mark me.."

"was already planning to."

seungmin looks at the glass sliding door that separated the whole crowd from him and hyunjin. waiting for that one specific person to come, he could see fingers pointing and people whispering. hyunjin's back had faced the door and was intoxicated, it wasn't like he had a care anyways.

but as chan comes out of the bedroom messy haired and exhausted. he's encountered by jisung and changbin. "hey, your boyfriend is kinda getting it on with another dude." changbin says, pointing to where the glass door is. chan's eyes widen slightly, a bit shocked to hear hyunjin would even think about cheating. it didn't seem like the boy, he was an angel.

"what?" is all chan says, jisung nods.

"go look." jisung says pushing chan to where the huge crowd of people were gathering around. they push through them, and once chan hits the glass that's when his jaw drops. "who is that anyways? i cant tell." jisung questions, squinting his eyes as if it'll make his vision even better.

chan chuckles, shaking his head as his own nails dig into his skin. jisung pats his back noticing how riled up the boy was, "hey..maybe you guys can talk it out and see what's up."

"whatever." chan spits out, not giving a damn no more.

chan sees as the boy smirks towards him, he's marking up hyunjin's porcelain skin. and once he's done, he mouths, 'mine.'

he couldn't believe how blind he was, seungmin did not want chan for himself.

but his boyfriend, hwang hyunjin.

- FEBRUARY 18, 2019 -

A HOE. anyways, wow look
another book finished? whattttt,,
but this was a short story. it's quite
obvious due to the music video
located within the party. but wowza,
I really hope you guys liked this short
story (: it was quite fun writing,
seungmin isn't always portrayed
as this flirty boy so it was something
new you know?

anyways !!! thank you guys for reading
this story and any of my stories if you have
because I really appreciate it (: you all mean
a lot to me and I hope you guys have a wonderful night/day!!!!! <3

break up with your boyfriend,
I'm bored

BREAK UP WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND, I'M BORED . seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now