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after saying those words, seungmin had left chan and given hyunjin a bright smile. hyunjin waved at the boy politely, he turns to his boyfriend and questions him. "hey, what was that all about?"

chan doesn't hesitate to respond sweetly, "he's friends with changbin's boyfriend, don't worry he's nice." chan gives hyunjin a reassuring kiss on the cheek, the younger returns a smile.

"alright.." he replies hesitantly, he didn't believe chan was the type to cheat. chan was too good for that.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom. all this drinking hasn't been well.." chan says with a smile, he pats hyunjin's head. "let's hope the line isn't long."

hyunjin nods, watching his boyfriend walk off to god knows where. deciding to find someone else to talk to, he goes into another room and finds jisung and changbin. "hey guys..." he sits down next to them, they greet him back.

"where's chan?" changbin questions, "weren't you guys just with each other?"

"bathroom break, he's been drinking."

jisung nods, "typical. but what's up?"

hyunjin shrugs, "nothing much..."

changbin shifts in his position, observing hyunjin. "you alright? something happen with you and chan?"

hyunjin shakes his head, but bites his lip. jisung squints his eyes, not believing him any bit. "you're lying."

hyunjin lets out a defeated whine, "chan was just talking to seungmin earlier. I mean! there's nothing wrong with it but it felt somewhat fishy..."

"why do you say that? seungmin always hangs out with felix and I, well third wheels. but he's a nice dude." changbin states.

"well..I don't know..I got this weird vibe from him..." hyunjin admits, "I tried brushing it off but I don't know..."

jisung then pats hyunjin's back, "hyunjin, you're way too hot to be dumped by chan. trust me, you've got that boy wrapped around your finger."

hyunjin gulps, wondering why chan was taking so long, "I hope so.."

BREAK UP WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND, I'M BORED . seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now