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as hyunjin got out of control with drinking, it was clear that he was going to cut things off with chan. after seeing his boyfriend fucking another, he couldn't look at him the same anymore. hyunjin had spent months loving him and now he was thrown away like trash. how could he?

seungmin and hyunjin had drifted away from the large crowd of people, finding themselves outside where a couple seats have been set out. hyunjin is somewhat drunk, ranting to seungmin about chan.

"h—he was perfect! and then I found him sucking some dudes dick!" hyunjin cries, gripping onto his red solo cup. he sets it down. "god, I'm so stupid..."

seungmin ruffles the boy's hair, "it's not your fault."

"am I not worthy enough?" hyunjin pouts, "was I boring him? could I not please him!"

"I think you're worthy enough." seungmin says with a bright smile.

"y—you really think so?" as hyunjin wipes away some tears, "that's really nice of you to say..." the older boy sniffles a bit and looks at seungmin, "for a moment. I thought you were trying to steal my boyfriend, but I guess I was wrong with that assumption. and now I feel horrible."

"it's alright, if I were you I would've felt the same." seungmin lies through his teeth, "so what are you going to do about mr. dick sucker?"

"well he doesn't deserve me." hyunjin grits his teeth, "I'm going to cut things off and I bet he won't even care. you know what! I don't even care anymore!"

seungmin smiles, "wow, what a strong boy." he teases, "he'll regret cheating on you."

"he's gonna be illegal soon anyways, it'll end no matter what." as hyunjin scoffs, he looks over to seungmin. "I'm not gonna let this ruin me!"

"I didn't say it would."

hyunjin lets out a small, 'hmp', "I bet the boy he is with is not even that hot..."

"forget about him." seungmin states, "you seem to be still worked up about him."

"ugh!" hyunjin groans, "the alcohol isn't working and I'm getting irritated!" hyunjin smacks the solo cup that's on the table, "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!"

seungmin stands up, "come here." he says with an alluring smile, hyunjin obeys without any hesitation. questioning with a small whiny, 'what now'. "I'll make you forget about him."

"what do you—"

and that's when seungmin's cherry flavored lips pressed against his.

BREAK UP WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND, I'M BORED . seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now