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Kaito's POV

I stared at the pink academy as the limo pulled up. I said, "Mitsukuni, are you kidding me? This school is my favorite color!" He said, "No, come on."

We got out and I stared down at my clothes. I had chosen to wear the yellow dress. Yet I had solid black thick leggings on. I stared up at the academy. I pulled a lollipop out of my bag and putting it in my mouth, "2-A, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm in 3-A." I questioned, "So is everyone not a threat?" He said, "Basically. Yet keep your eyes open. We know what's happened beforehand and that's the reason you were sent all over the place."

I nodded, "I understand. I definitely understand." He said, "Yet this is a private academy, so don't worry to much. Will you come to my club after school?"

I smiled, "Sure, where is it?" He grinned and held Usa-chan to his chest, "Music room 3, it starts an hour after school is over. I'll see you then. Don't forget to call me if you need to."

I giggled nervously and clutched my bag tighter. All it had was books, notebooks and my cellphone. I said, "Alright, I'll see you there Mitsukuni."

He grinned, "I can't wait. Can you get to class yourself?" I said, "Y-yeah. I'll see you later." He smiled with pride then walked of. I understand I need to be careful or I'll be sent away again. I definitely understand...


Dad stared at me from across his desk. He stated, "You're being sent to America." I questioned, "Why?!" He said, "For schooling. Also due to the incident." I sighed then asked, "How long Father?"

He said, "Two years." My eyes widened, "Will I be home for holidays?" He shook his head, "No. This is what's best Kaito." I said, "But dad..." He cut me off, "End of discussion." I said, "Dad."

He responded with anger lacing his tone, "End of discussion, Kaito. Go up to your room and pack your bags. You'll be leaving in one hour." I reluctantly said, "Y-yes father."

---end memory---

My blonde hair swayed behind me as I walked in and down the halls. I glanced around as I walked. My caramel eyes stared at everyone that stared at me. I looked around and wandered. Eventually I sighed, Guess I couldn't find it.

Eventually I choose to follow a black haired guy with glasses. He looks about my age. Maybe he's in at least a 2... I can probably find my way from there.

I followed him probably about 50 and he went into his class. I stared up and saw it was 2-A. So he's in my class. I guess I chose the right person to follow. I won't have to call Mitsukuni. I stepped into class 2-A with a proud smile.

As soon as I got in I noticed the guy with glasses and a blonde was getting all the girls attention. Are they that good? I ignored them and sat down in the seat in front of the blonde. This will do. I'm not in the very back but I am by the window.


I stood outside music room 3. Correct that, behind the crowd of girls outside a music room. I stared in confusion at them. What'd be so special? I found it odd the karate club would be in a music room but... None of these girls look like fighters, they look like fan girls.

I stared at the door as it opened. The girls had simply closed it. I went up to the door and opened it. Flower petals flew out towards me. I stood frozen from surprise. I stared at a blonde. He stated, "Men we have a first time guest." Guest?

I gently asked, "G-guest?" I stared at his blue violet eyes. Glasses stared at me, "Alright, welcome to the host club." I asked, "A h-host... club?"

Glasses pointed, "The twins are the devilish type..." The twins posed arms interlocked one with a pale orange rose and the other with a teal one. He continued, "Honey is the cute type." Mitsukuni posed with a pink rose in both his hands.

Wait, what? He gestured to Takashi, "Mori is the strong and silent type." Takashi calmly held a dark blue rose in front of his chest." He smiled slightly, "Or would you prefer me as the cool type?" He held out a purple rose.

He then stated, "Or would you prefer Tamaki..." Tamaki held my hand again, "the princely type." I said, "I-I don't know." I was sure my eyes were wide. Why is Mitsukuni and Takashi in a host club? I gently removed my hand and walked back a little.

I heard the door open. Tamaki grinned, "Another first time guest." I saw the brunette with thick rimmed glass. Tamaki started showing them lots of attention.

I should probably go. I stood for a few moments considering it. Yeah, I'll ask Mitsukuni at home. Then I heard a crash and turned to see a vase shattered on the floor. Hmm it seems like this will be iconic...

Soon afterwards it was decided the person would be part of the host club. Then Tamaki turned to me, "Oh, and fair maiden I never got your name." I stammered, "O-Oh..."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Haninozuka... Kaito Haninozuka... I go by Ki." Tamaki stated, "Honey! I never knew you had a sister in my grade!" I said, "Uh, umm..."

Mitsukuni said, "Tama-chan, that's my little sister Ki or Ki-chan." Tamaki retorted on the brink of tears, "Why'd you never tell me?" Mitsukuni grinned, "Well that's obvious silly, you never asked."

Tamaki stared between the two of us. Mitsukuni said, "Come here Ki." I went and stood beside my brother staring at Tamaki, Kyoya, the new kid Haruhi and the Hitachiin twins. Mitsukuni asked, "Come on Tama-chan. Don't me and Ki-chan look alike?" One twin said, "Yeah boss..." A higher voiced twin said, "they do look really similar."

Kyoya said, "Although Honey is the dreadlock of the family Kaito is said to rival him. Yet while Mitsukuni is outgoing, Kaito is described as quiet and shy. Oh, I also think the twins and Tamaki would like to know, she's also AB blood type like Honey senpai." I wanted to let out a nervous laugh yet I held it in.

What's AB blood type have to do with anything? Also I'm nowhere near Mitsukuni's strength. I don't even see where that would've came from... Mitsukuni grinned, "Ki is an arisen warrior." I whined, "H-hey..." Tamaki grabbed my hand, "Well we're very happy with your presence, Kaito." I stammered, "It's K-Ki."

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