8-A Beach

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Kaito's POV

I smiled looking out the window of the limo. Mitsukuni cheerfully stated, "This'll be great, Ki. It's been so long since we've been to a beach." I watched the scenery go by, "The scenery is beautiful, but when will we arrive at the beach? I love how sand feels."

He said, "In a few moments, Ki. This will be our trip. Remember to be careful though. Since we are in the open. This is different from the resort." I gently sighed, "Yeah, I know I'll be careful." He said, "You'll have so many fun options including swimming. Yet don't let yourself get swept out to sea." I reluctantly said, "Alright, I get it Mitsukuni."

Mitsukuni apparently talked our dad into letting me go on this trip. Dad thought it be to risky since the incident. Yet I'll be okay, I guess. In all honesty I wish dad trusted me more about keeping myself safe. I sighed, hopefully I can prove it someday.

We pulled up to the Ootori family's beach house and dropped our bags in our rooms. I ended up in the room right beside Mitsukuni. At least if I need anything I can go to his room.

I went into the bathroom and changed into the light pink bikini the twins had given me. I stared at the ruffles on top. I shrugged at myself in the mirror. I don't really want people to notice me... Yet the twins said this would distract from me looking somewhat like a kid.

I pulled up all my hair in a high ponytail and tied a bow around it. I slipped on pink sandals then went to the living room, and sat on the couch waiting for the others. Soon Haruhi came in shorts and a shirt.

She smiled, "Hi senpai." I smiled, "Hey." She smiled, "You're going to swim today?" I looked down, "Yeah." Haruhi chimed in, "Then swim some for me. I have to entertain the guests." I smiled towards her, "Okay, I will." Then the other hosts came into the living room all in swim trunks.

I said, "Okay, time to go right?" Tamaki cheerfully, "Yep. Let's go!" I went out slowly trailing behind the hosts. I stared down at my pink sandals. They slowly sinking into the sand. It adjusts to whatever hits it but doesn't strike back... Maybe, just maybe... Am I like that?


I came up to Takashi and saw him pointing a spear at Haruhi. Soon enough Haruhi headed of with the twins. I gently went over to Takashi, "Hey wanna go see something with me? Mitsukuni probably wouldn't want me to to go there alone." Mitsukuni came over and smiled smiled, "That sounds nice. Takashi go with Ki and keep her safe."

He walked with me up to the top of a big boulder. It overlooked the sea, the sight was beautiful. I went over by the edge and looked down, "Now falling down from here would be scary." He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the edge, "Then stay away from it." I sighed, "True."

He nodded and stayed silent. He patted my head. I sighed, "Are you okay?" He said, "Mm." Is he really okay? I sighed, "Alright Takashi. Well, let's not keep Mitsukuni waiting." After a few more minutes we both went down off boulder. I guess that'll be a good memory for us in the future.


Tamaki came out of the water packing Haruhi. Two guys the twins beat up had shoved her in and harassed some of the guests. I tuned back in when Tamaki yelled, "You're a girl! You should've got help! You're not like Honey or Mori you can't defend yourself!" Is that what Tamaki thinks about all girls? Really?

Haruhi sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't think about that senpai. But I did what I needed to in the moment." I know that all to well. Then they kept arguing. But I tuned it out. Mitsukuni glanced at me and probably noticed my blank look. It was confirmed when he patted my head gently. He asked, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah I'm okay. Just memories."

He got on top of Takashi's shoulders, "Are you sure?" I weakly smiled, "Yeah." Honey said, "Everyone else already left, let's follow them. Come on Kaito." I followed the pair, "Coming." I stared at my sandals and listened the the waves.

I heard Mitsukuni ask, "What were you thinking about?" I shook my head no, "It's fine." I guess Tamaki is right. These two are stronger than me and Haruhi. Honey said, "Twll me what it is Ki." I said, "Tamaki was right....." Mitsukuni said, "Huh?" He hopped of Takashi's shoulders and the both stood staring at me.

I said, "Tamaki. H-he was right." I felt a tear run down my face. I noticed the two look at me with sad looks. I couldn't stand that look. I took off and kept running. I didn't stop. I hid in some bushes and let the tears fall in silence. Tamaki was right! Girls are slightly weaker physically! In the end I'll never be strong enough! In the end...

My thoughts were cut of by me hearing Mitsukuni call out, "Kaito! Kaito! Come out, Kaito!" I felt my head slump. I'm failing my family again. Just like that day... after a few more minutes I sighed. I stood up and walked back to the sand.

I stood at the edge of the water staring at the gorgeous sunset. I sighed, "Maybe..." I heard, "Kaito!" I turned to see Mitsukuni. He lunged at me and I wasn't prepared. I fell back, my body going into the water. His arms were wrapped around my neck as he straddled my waist.

He held my close and put his hands under my head. He pulled my head to where I leaned into his neck. He said, "Don't leave me anymore." It sounded like his voice cracked. I said, "M-Mitsukuni..."

He said in a rash voice, "Kaito, I mean it. I was worried... I couldn't call dad cause then he'd send you away again! I was worried another incident would happen!" I hugged him back, "Mitsukuni." I started crying clinging to him.


I came into the hall to eat supper. I had on a pink tank top and black leggings. My hair was up in a ponytail and my pink socks clung to my feet. The twins and Tamaki all looked surprised. I sighed, "I-It's just me." Honey ran up to me, "Come on, we're almost ready!" I nodded, "Okay." The twins spoke, "So she can be cute... She may beat you out someday Honey senpai."

Tamaki cut in, "Of course she's cute. She is a cute flower." The twins said in unison, "But boss you're saying she's cute. What're you thinking?" Haruhi came into the room in a pink dress. Pretty... I smiled, "So pretty."

Haruhi was given complements from everyone but Tamaki, Takashi and Kyoya. After a while at supper Haruhi apologized for not calling for help then ran off before she threw up. But of course Tamaki had stormed off and didn't get to hear it. Tamaki isn't to smart.

I went to my room and sighed. I looked at my legs, "Yeah... Maybe one day I'll prove my worth." I looked out the window and saw the dark clouds. After sitting by the window for a little while I watched the rain hit the window pane. I stared at the gloomy sight I had grown accustomed to.

Sunshine is better... Soon enough there was thunder and lightning. I walked away from the window and laid in my bed. I mumbled to myself, "Carry the Haninozuka name with pride... If not for dad, then for Mitsukuni..."

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