15-An Apprentice and a Maid

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A/n: I don't own or claim to own the image. All rights to the original creator.

Kaito's POV

I stared at Takashi. He had a spear about an inch from a guys forehead. The guy then bowed, "I'm Ritsu Kasanoda. Please let me be your apprentice sempai." Wait what? What's happening?

I learned apparently people fear Kasanoda because of his looks. Which is sad. I readjusted my bag after snatching a lollipop out of it. I unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. I hate when people judge others without evidence. Takashi ended up accepting him as an apprentice.


I watched Kasanoda following Takashi down a path as I followed behind the group. I noticed it was different both off the boys were on high alert. I know Takashi and Mitsukuni sense it. It's like impending doom. I saw the vase falling, "G-guys..." I noticed Takashi push Kasanoda forward. Then he chopped apart the flower pot sending it shattering.

Kasanoda's eyes held amazement in them. I sighed, "That wasn't an accident." Mitsukuni with a chipper voice said, "It'll be fine Ki. Takashi and I will get to the bottom of it." I noticed Kasanoda stand up brushing himself off.


I stared at Kasanoda. I feel sorry for him. The twins had him in a maid costume with cat ears on. The twins were laughing so hard he glared at them. I kept my eyes on him and his glare. He's not too scary.

The music room doors opened and I started walking over, "W-welcome to the host club, but w-we're closed right n-now." He started laughing but he was covering his mouth. He was blushing and Kasanoda yelled at him. I tuned them out, I don't want to hear yelling.

After a bit I noticed the pair had disappeared. I walked around bored I had only tuned them out a minute or two. Well I'm sure since he's Takashi's apprentice everything will be okay in the end. I shrugged and saw the twins with glints in their eyes, "What is it you two?"

Hikaru stated, "Lets dress you up tomorrow..." Kaoru said, "So Kasanoda isn't alone." I said, "Only after I see the outfit."


The next day I slipped into what they had ready for me. The twins and I had rushed to the club room. I sighed stuffing all my long blonde hair up into the wig. I slipped in the purple contacts. I sat down to put on the 6 inch black high heels. I sighed deeply then stepped out of the changing room with all the courage I could muster.

 I sighed deeply then stepped out of the changing room with all the courage I could muster

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A/n: As said I top I don't own or claim to own. All rights to the original creator.

Kasanoda stepped into the host club and his jaw dropped. After a few moments he stopped and went to a couch. He stared at the floor. Soon enough Haruhi came in, "Guys why'd you run off and leave me?"

Soon enough her eyes landed on me, "Hikaru, Kaoru explain. Why do you have one of your maids here right now?" In unison they asked, "Maid?" I stared directly at Haruhi. Wait... Do I look that different?

The door opened and in came Tamaki and Kyoya. Kyoya simply nodded to me meanwhile Tamaki blushed. I immediately felt embarrassed. Hikaru said, "Haruhi have you..." Kaoru finished, "never met her?" Haruhi said, "Why would I ask if I did?"

The door opened and in came Takashi packing a sleepy Mitsukuni in a piggy back ride. Mitsukuni said, "Hey guys... Were we late?" Mitsukuni noticed me and said, "Ki... why are you dressed like that?" That made Tamaki go to incoherent ramblings.

I then felt eyes on me, and I could tell they were Kasanoda from where they were coming from. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I simply bowed and rushed back to the changing rooms.


That day the twins got Kasanoda ready to leave the club room. His hair in dreadlocks... A green with yellow polka dot bandana around his neck. Finally a bear. I had came out of where I had been sitting in the changing room the whole time.

I went to Kasanoda, "S-sorry they c-convinced me t-to show you that e-everyone can change their l-looks." He said, "No problem." Then he walked right past me. His words had sounded forced and I sighed. Oh well.

Apparently he needed a "lovely item" like honey is to Takashi. Because it would take the "edge" off of Kasanoda. But isn't everyone fine just the way they are? I turned and my eyes landed on Tamaki who hadn't looked at me at all since I came out of the changing room. I probably looked funny.


Today Kasanoda gave up on letting the twins style his items. I walked over to him, "There's no need to change. Being yourself is the best thing. You can change when you want, but you don't have to." Kasanoda stared at me, "You aren't scared of me?" I shook my head no, "No. You aren't threatening to me at all."

Kasanoda smiled, "That's exactly similar to what Haruhi told me." I gently smiled and walked away. Maybe he'll listen to it if he heard it twice.


Kasanoda had a bird and him and Haruhi were holding it. I hope it gets better. Yet then I noticed red paint splatter onto Haruhi's uniform and the bird take off flying. It's better, I felt a bright smile come to my face.


I stared at Kasanoda sitting beside me. This is different. We were both very awkward. The aura around us was peaceful. Tamaki tried to separate us. Yet I just remembered him to tend to his guests. He had left cluelessly like he forgot everything around him and was zoned out.

All the girls were looking at Kasanoda and I due to the "moe". But I don't really care. What matters is love and peoples happiness. That the real truth. And I don't like all this attention at all!


When I walked down the halls at school I noticed everyone wasn't as scared to pass by Kasanoda anymore. Which is a success in my opinion. Yet I do wonder why? What could've made it change overnight? I watched as girls looked at him with weird looks in their eyes. Is that because of the "moe"?

I looked at Kasanoda and shrugged my shoulders. At least they aren't as scared anymore. Maybe I helped out. Hmm...

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