Part 7 Explosive fights

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You and Ruby were able to make it to the arena just in time for Yang & Weiss's fight, you two sat down next to Blake who was already there.

Blake: There you guys are! What took you guys so long?

(Y/N): Sorry, Qrow's test took longer than expected

Ruby: Yeah, thank Oum the match hasn't started yet

And right on queue Port came on the speakers to announce the next fight.

Port: Our next match will begin shortly!

We all looked down at the arena and saw Yang and Weiss coming out of staging, you three called out to them to do their best and wishing them good luck.  Down at the arena.

Yang: Welp, now it's our turn!

Weiss: Just remember to keep proper form

Yang: *sighs* Alright, You're from Atlas. What can we expect?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their kingdom, academy and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies

A loud *Whoosh!* was then heard from right behind the two followed by a rainbow, revealing their competitors: a dark-skinned male in a jazz style outfit and trumpet, and a feline Faunus with red-orange hair in pigtails and her outfit consisting of bright colors ridding around in roller skates wielding nunchucks.

Weiss: Or...whatever they are

Flynt: Hey!

The male called out to them.

Flynt: You're Weiss Schnee, right? The Heiress

Weiss: I am!

Flynt: I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then

Weiss: I do my best

Flynt: Yeah! My dad was good, too. Owned a little Dust shop of his own...'til your father's company ran him outta business

The mood had now turned sour, as it seemed Flynt had a disliking of Weiss.

Weiss: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that

Flynt: Sure you are!

She attempts to sympathize with the boy, but he disregards it, Yang tries to chime in but is interrupted by the neon girl.

Yang: Hey! Why don't you-?

Neon: "Hey Why don't you-" That's what you sound like!

The girl begins to mock Yang and also taunts Yang by commenting on her hair and chest, the comment on her chest kinda set her off making her mad. At the stands.

Ruby: Oh, here we go

The stage selection begins, Yang & Weiss get the geyser area and broken down city while Flynt & Neon get the lava and Sandy terrain.

Port: Three! Two! One! Begin!

The match has begun, right off the bat Flynt uses his trumpet to blow some sound waves towards the Yang and Weiss, pushing them back, Neon uses this as a means of speeding towards Yang and landing the first hit, knocking her into the broken-down city, leaving Weiss to deal with Flynt. He once again uses his trumpet to send the sound waves at her, but she uses her glyphs to stay steady, making her way towards him, he uses this as an advantage and stops making Weiss stumble forward letting Flynt kick her towards the lava terrain, on the other side Yang is taking some shots at Neon but her being on roller skates gives her some extra mobility, allowing her to dodge all the shots, after dodging she comes sliding down and hits Yang in the face with the nunchucks and does this continuously bombarding her with hits, Yang reloads but Neon activates her weapon and comes rushing in and hits Yangs leg, she tries to move but find that her leg had been frozen from the hit.

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