Part 11 End of the Beginning

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We finally arrive back at Beacon, we head to the courtyard to reconvene with everyone, but once we arrived we were greeted with a horrible sight: students were exhausted some were injured but most depressing of all was Yang, who had lost her arm in battle.

Ruby: Yang...

Sun: Hey...She's gonna be okay, The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale

Nora: But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing!

She tries to get up but immediately falls back down because of how much pain she's in.

(Y/N): What!?

Sun: Look, guys, that giant Grimm keep circling the school, Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to!

(Y/N): Sun we're not leaving without them!

Ruby: I'll find them...I'll find them and bring them back

(Y/N): I'll come wit-

Weiss: No, We will find them, (Y/N) you need to stay here and help some of the injured, We'll be back

(Y/N): Ugh, you better be!

Sun: Idiots

The two run off and you rush over to Yang and Blakes side and use Crazy Diamonds restoration restoring Yang's arm back and healing Blakes stab wound.

Ruby's P.O.V

Weiss and I rush back into Beacon to begin our search for Jaune and Pyrrha but Weiss's scroll begins to ring.

Weiss: It's Jaune! Where are you?

Jaune: Weiss! Please, you have to stop her!

Weiss: What?

Jaune: Pyrrha! She's going after that the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!

Jaune sound completely terrified.

Weiss: Jaune, what are you talking about? Where are you?

Jaune: Don't worry about, me! Please...You have to save Pyrrha

Weiss: We will, Are you okay?

After that, the call gets cut off and all we hear is a yell of anguish and tears after the call cuts out we hear a loud rumble come from the top of the tower and down comes the Grimm dragon summoning tons more Grimm, I get Crescent Rose out.

Ruby: I have a plan

Weiss: You always do

We fight our way through all the Grimm in our way and head towards the tower that now has the top completely destroys thanks to the dragon.

Ruby: We've gotta hurry!

In response, Weiss summons a line of glyphs that will allow me to run up the side of the tower.

Weiss: You can do this

I use my semblance to speed on up to try to get to the top as fast as I can, as I keep getting closer to the top I hear the sound of battle, I have to hurry, I make my final jump to the top and once I land.

Pyrrha: *gasp*

Pyrrha gives out a series of hiccuping gasps as she struggles to breathe as she has been shot with an arrow through her chest, all I do is stand there wide-eyed as I cannot believe what I'm seeing, the lady walks up to Pyrrha and places her hand on the side of her head making Pyrrha glow orange and disintegrate and blow in the wind only leaving her circlet behind as it falls to the ground.

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