Part 12 Let's go on a trip

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After my talk with my uncle Qrow, I wanted to go check on how Yang was doing, once I stepped out of my room I called out to Yang, she turns towards me, we both begin to tear up as I run towards her to embrace her in a hug.

Ruby: I'm so glad you're okay

Yang: But I'm not

I step away from her to get a better look, her arm was gone.

Yang: It's all gone, The school...Penny...and...

I decided to interrupt her and ask her about Weiss and Blake

Ruby: Yang, where are Weiss and Blake?

Yang: Weiss's father...came for her

Ruby: What? What do you mean?

Yang: No one outside of Vale knows what happened here Before the tower fell...The last thing people saw was Atlas attacking innocent people and Grimm destroying the city...Everyone's scared...No one knows who to trust, So Weiss's father came to take her back to Atlas, where he thinks it's safe, She's gone

Ruby: What about-

Yang: And Blake ran!

She sounded really angry and upset.

Yang: Sun saw her go after we got to the city...she just...ran!

Ruby: But...why?

Yang: I don't know and I don't care

She looked like she was going to cry at that moment but quickly turned away from me once she finished.

Ruby: There has to be a reason she-

Yang: No, there doesn't! Sometimes bad things just happen, Ruby! Sometimes people just run away for no reason! and Sometimes...people just...die!

I was taken aback from her sudden burst of anger and I looked down in sadness at her last point before lifting my head up and responding back.

Ruby: So...what do we do now?

Yang: You can do whatever you want...I'm gonna lie here

She sounded really monotone and uncaring in her reply, I was worried about her.

Ruby: Yang...

Yang: Just leave me alone

With that, I didn't know what to do, I decided to just let her be and head out but before leaving I turn back towards her for one last thing.

Ruby: *softly* I love you...

She gave me no reply and just kept her back towards me and so with that I leave her room and head back to mine, I need to do something, I quickly get an idea and grab my scroll and give someone a call.

Jaune: Hello?

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: Ruby?! What are you doing calling me, shouldn't you be resting?

Ruby: That doesn't matter right now, gather your team

Jaune: What why?!

Ruby: We're going on a little trip

Jaune: Trip? where?

Ruby: We're going to Haven, I'll give you more details later, just gather up your team

Jaune: Alright, when and where are we meeting?

Ruby: Patch once it turns Winter

Jaune: Got it

I hang up the call and get everything prepared, now it's just a matter of planning and waiting, but waiting did not take long because winter came quicker than I thought. I sneak outside without Dad or Yang noticing.

Jaune: Hey

Ruby: Hey, Jaune, Haven's a long way to go

Pyrrha: We know, But it's the only lead we have

Pyrrha then shows up and joins next to Jaune.

Ruby: and you guys are sure you wanna come along? I kinda just sprung this on you guys

Ren: The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain

Nora: But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it

Ruby: Then let's get started

As the five of us begin to leave for our journey but before we get too far I stop and take a look back at my house one last time, then after that looking up towards the sky and point up, the rest of the group sees this and does the same.

As the five of us begin to leave for our journey but before we get too far I stop and take a look back at my house one last time, then after that looking up towards the sky and point up, the rest of the group sees this and does the same

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And embark on our journey towards Haven.

RWBY+JoJo Mash up(Male Stand User X Ruby Rose) Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now