Part 10 Battle on a Ship

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From the top of the ship, we see tons of Grimm fly by but what we didn't expect was to see a gigantic Grimm dragon.

(Y/N): Is that turtle?! No wait, That's a Fucking DRAGON!!!

We then see tons of smaller Grimm flypast following the Grimm dragon. Two griffons then land in front of me and Ruby, Ruby does a spin and quickly cuts one of them in half while you just release an onslaught of attacks with Star Platinum, once that was done we hear a camera flash from behind us, we turn around to see the Neapolitan girl.

(Y/N): Hey what's up Ice Cream

Back on the ground, everyone is trying their best to fend off the Grimm and some hacked Atlesian knights, everyone was struggling to deal with the Atlas soldiers.

Neptune: Uhh, this is bad

Coco: Well, I guess now's a better time than any, Velvet!

Velvet: Really!

Coco: Just make them count

Velvet walks off to face the giant mechs.

Weiss: What are you doing? She's going to get hurt!

Coco: Just watch

Velvet is now in front of the mechs ready to take them on, she holds out her hand and a holographic version of Crescent Rose appears in her hand, she jumps up and comes crashing down with the scythe after that she summons a holographic Myrtenaster and begins dashing and slashing as Weiss would after that summoning Ember Celica and takes some shots with at the mech, using a version of Gambol Shroud she ties the mech down and knock it over, the second mech comes in and goes for the attack but Velvet blocks it by using Sun's staff and finishes it off by crushing it with Nora's hammer, the final one was getting ready but by using Penny's weapon she does the light cannon attack and shots is towards the mech.

Coco: Velvet!

Sadly her call was not heard as one mech was able to hit Velvet knockin her down. Everyone unleashed fires at the mech but weren't doing much damage, Weiss rushed in to stop the mechs attack, she even did her own summoning and was able to create a giant arm and sword that came out of her glyph, it cut down the robot, defeating it. With that done the mood was lightened up but then an even bigger and more advanced looking mech came out.

Sun: You have got to be kidding me

Back up in the air with you and Ruby, you two were fighting off Neo & Roman, Ruby dealt with Neo while you took care of Roman, Ruby sent some slashes Neo's way but she kept on dodging in the other side, Roman was having a hard time with you and your Stands.

(Y/N): Hāmitto Pāpuru and Sutā Purachina

You were sending Hermit Purple to keep Roman in place while you deliver the attacks with Star Platinum

Roman: Neo! a little help, please

She rushed to his aid and disappeared in a blink of an eye they then reappeared behind you and Roman took this chance to shoot you from behind, knocking you down almost falling off the side, holding on from the edge.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

Neo then comes in and kicks Ruby back as well making her have to use her scythe to catch herself.

Roman: Little Red and Star-boy...You two are just determined to be the hero of Vale, aren't you?

(Y/N): What are you doing? Without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything!

Roman: Oh Star-boy That's the plan!

He walks over to you and points his cane at you, with all your strength you pull your self up and kick Roman in the face knocking him back, Ruby does the same but goes for Neo, now back on your feet.

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