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Twenty five years had passed since the dark lord was vanquished. The golden trio had settled in their lives. Life had restored to normal in the wizarding world. Hogwarts was at peace, with new students bustling in as soon as they turned eleven. The death eaters, who were all powerful during Voldemort's time had vanished. Some laid low, a single whimper about the dark lord would bring them all out at once.

The Oberois were one of the oldest wizarding families, wealthy, all powerful, all pure bloods, there wasn't a single drop of muggle blood in their veins. During the wizarding war they had become a family of death eaters. They thrived on Voldemort's power but when he was overthrown, they were the least affected. They were also a family of Slytherin's, so when the letter for Hogwarts finally arrived for Shivaay they were sure he would be a Slytherin, it wasn't Shivaay but Omkara they were worried about, he had some unhealthy liking for muggles which none of them could tolerate except his own brothers- Rudra and Shivaay. Shivaay took pride in being an Oberoi, a pure blood, he couldn't help but be excited to visit the place where the trio had studied. 

Browns had been settled around London for all their lives, there's was a loyalty to the place as much as love. A letter coming for Anika had shocked them out of their wits, there had never been a witch in the family and they weren't sure they wanted their eldest daughter to be the first one. Anika was all excited, she had only seen something like this in movies. There was nowhere she would be but at Hogwarts. She was determined and her parents had to agree. A determined, stubborn Anika would never be convinced they were pretty sure.

So welcome peeps, do let me know in comments if you want me to continue. 

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