Chapter 27 ~ Reckless Love

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Mia heard a tune she'd never heard before, and yet it had a familiar feel. It reminded her of the rising sun, were it to be accompanied by a musical fanfare. It seemed to her a melody that could well be in the collective consciousness of every man, woman, and child; like something everyone had heard once before, only it was on the fringe of their earliest memories where they couldn't quite grasp it.

She opened her eyes. Golden sunlight fell in filtered streams through the canopy of leaves above. She was alone in the glade.

Where was Peter?

She glanced around and was shocked to find herself sitting in a bed of flowers that certainly hadn't been there when she'd fallen asleep. In fact, she was positively surrounded by flowers - lilies, bellflowers, poppies, daffodils, morning glories, violets, daisies and several others she couldn't name. Some of which shouldn't exist in such a climate, and others that would never be seen growing side by side anywhere else.

Mia rubbed her eyes and took another look around. She could still hear the melody playing above the treetops. It took her but a moment to realize the source.

Smiling, she tilted her head up towards the trees and called, "Good morning, Peter!"

The music stopped and Peter descended from the trees. He hovered in front of her, a mere silhouette against the bright morning sun.

"Good morning, Mia," he said cheerfully. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Well, it was a beautiful wake-up call," she told him, shielding her eyes and smiling sweetly. "Were you going to let me sleep all day?"

Peter shrugged. "I thought about waking you up, but I didn't really want to. You look like an angel when you sleep."

Mia thought he was the one who looked like an angel right now with the halo of sunlight glowing behind him. But rather than tell him this, she decided to tease him a little.

"Oh, really?" she asked, her lips quirking. "So, now you're an authority on angels, are you?"

"Well, I've never really seen one before I met you. But I figure you must be one 'cause nothing could be so beautiful... 'cept an angel."

Mia snorted. "You're full of it."

Peter floated towards her in a downwards lean and cupped her cheeks. Before she could say anything else, he pressed his lips to hers. Mia's eyes fluttered as she kissed him back. His lips were irresistible. Furthermore, she was amazed and quite pleased to discover that last night hadn't just been some strange fluke or a trick of the fairy light making him amorous.

Even after he drew away from her, Mia's lips still tingled. She traced her fingers over them, blushing. Peter lowered to the ground in front of her and held out his hand. Mia took it and he pulled her to her feet. As they came face to face, she let out a gasp.

"What? What is it, Mia?"

At first, Mia said nothing. She was too enamored by his face. It looked much the same as ever, only now he looked even older. Not by a lot, but enough to have grown a five o'clock shadow overnight. He looked rugged and sexy, and yet this metamorphosis frightened her at first, only because he'd never aged quite this much before. If she had to guess, he may have surpassed her by a couple years now. Had this happened because of their kiss last night?

Peter was still gazing confusedly at her.

"P-Peter, h-have you seen your reflection this morning?"

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