How you meet ⇒ Pietro

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'Y/N/N = your nickname

Y/N's p.o.v

'Hello?' 'Hey Y/N it's Clint' my face lit up as I heard his voice through the phone 'hey brother how are you?' 'Good, so Y/N/N did you get the job?' I sighed loudly 'no I didn't apparently they don't want "young fellas" working in their laboratory' 'come work here Y/N/N, Tony and Bruce are in desperate need of a new scientist and you know it's hard to find one that's trustworthy' 'Clint you know th-' 'I know you don't want to use my relationship with the avengers as a way of getting a job easily but come on, just give it a shot!' I groaned 'fine!' 'Yes! See you at the tower sis' 'I hate you' 'love you too' He said before ending the call, this should be interesting

Time skip brought to you by Clint dressed as Cupid on Valentines

I parked my car after giving in my ID and all that and got in the tower 'hello Mrs.Barton the team is waiting for you on the 12th floor' 'ok thank you ' 'my pleasure' that's wired JARVIS is a girl now? Huh that's new, I got in the elevator and pressed the 12th floor button and waited, once it dinged I heard the familiar sound of the team talking over each other and arguing, I smiled as I entered in 'seriously I thought you guys would grow up in two years, but I guess I was wrong' I said their heads snapped at me 'Y/N!' Clint said getting up smiling giving me a hug 'missed me?' 'Yes I missed my baby sister' I rolled my eyes playfully, Nat was next in the hugging fest 'Hey Tasha' 'Hey Y/N/N, you've grown up so much' 'well People change in two years Tasha' 'still a smart ass, I see' she smirked 'you know it' I said laughing

Everyone else greeted me except three 'who are the new greenies?' 'I'm Wanda Maximoff and this is my twin brother' she said pointing at an incredibly attractive guy with silver hair 'Pietro Maximoff, please to meet you Princessa' I could tell Clint was glaring at him 'nice to meet the both of you I'm Y/N Barton' 'you're Bird man's sister right?' Pietro said I chuckled 'in the flesh' 'Y/N meet mine and Bruce's new creation I guess? Y/N meet Vision aka Jarvis 2.0' Tony said 'that's why the AI's voice was female' I said 'yes her name is Friday' he replied 'hello I'm Vision' I shook hands with him and smiled 'nice to meet you Vision'

I sat down Next to Clint 'so Y/N ready to start working?'  Tony asked 'Would I be here if I wasn't?' I asked raising my eyebrow 'well said kid' Bruce said 'let's go then'  Tony said 'see guys later' I headed with them to the lab and put on my lab coat 'you already have the job by the way' Tony said I smiled 'really? Thank you' 'no problem kiddo' 'so what's the problem for today' (the marks coming up mean it's inspired by gib_gab22  check out their work it's amazing)


'So were are basically trying to find a way to easily fuse noble gases to power Tony's suit in a way other than electricity' Bruce explained 'hmm.... Have you tried stabilizing the atoms with neutrons?' They looked at each other shocked 'no we haven't even thought of that' Bruce said 'it's ok I'm sure you two tried your best' I said patting his shoulder 'well then we have a plan, let's put on action'


We finished and the suit turned out successful, 'I guess we are finished for the day?' I asked 'we are' Bruce said taking off his glasses, I took off my lab coat and headed out to where the team was 'Barton your sister is a genius' Tony said I smiled 'so are you staying?' Bruce asked as I sat next to Pietro since it was the only free seat 'yes I am, you're not getting rid of me this easily' I said smiling 'yes finally!' Clint said I laughed, Tony decided to put on a movie, which was Kingsmen

Throughout the film Pietro was a little too friendly or let's say flirty 'so priencessa how do you like the movie' 'it's nice' I said 'so are you' I shook my head 'did it hurt when  you fell from heaven' I looked at him with an "are you serious?" look 'no but I did scar my knee crawling from the deepest pit in hell' he laughed 'can I tell, like bad pick up lines?' He asked 'sure why not, I mean I watched the movie a 100 times already anyways' I smirked 'are you trash because I'd like to take you out' I held in my laughter 'no I'm classy trash' 'oh excuse me' He said we both laughed 'did you fart because you just blew me away' he said I almost burst out laughing 'wait I have one' I said 'Tell me' 'are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see' 'good one Y/N' 'why thank you' 'ok last one' he said 'hit me' 'did you get your body from Mc Donalds? Cause I'm loving it' He said I shook my head laughing

We kept talking till the end of the movie and then I excused myself because I was tired 'it was nice talking to you Pietro, but I'm tired so goodnight' he smiled 'goodnight Princessa' I got up 'goodnight guys' I said to the others 'goodnight' they all replied

3rd person p.o.v

Clint got up angrily, if this was a cartoon smoke would be coming out of his ears he stood in front of Pietro pointing at his chest

'Don't you dare flirt with my sister ever again!'

'Sorry Birdman but I like her'

Word count: 989

Another one down and quite like this one I wrote this while I'm in the waiting room, again. Anyways I hope you guys liked it, comment what you think

Tomorrow is Valentines and I'm spending it with my BFF since we are
both single AF and she's getting me chocolate, she's my BFF for a reason


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