Who ate my food?! ⇒ Avengers

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Y/F/F = Your favorite food

'Ok, that's it, WHO ATE MY FOOD?!'

'I don't know don't look at me' Clint said raising his hands in defense 'This the third time this week Goddammit!' I said angrily

'Are you alright lady Y/N?' Thor said entering the kitchen 'does it sound like I am' I snapped

Thor looked at Clint in hope for an answer because he's basically terrified, 'someone has been stealing her favorite food lately' Clint said backing away slightly towards Thor

'Oh you mean Y/F/F? I saw Stark eating it yesterday' Thor said, I looked at him with a sweet smile 'thank you so much for telling me Thor'

With that I was out of the kitchen


'Oh shit' he said getting ready to run 'oh shit indeed'

Tony ran Terrified for his life, if he gets caught, he probably won't live to see another day

'I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!' He said yelling

'YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU STOLE MY FUCKING FOOD!' I yelled back, He screamed like a little girl and ran faster

Other avengers p.o.v

'What in the name of hel is going on?' Asked Loki putting down the book he was reading shocked

'Better question, what did Stark do this time?' Asked Bucky 'can't be worse than last time' Nat said

'What happened last time?' Steve asked confused 'oh right, you weren't here when it happened' Clint said '

basically Tony made a not so friendly comment to Y/N when she was on her period' Wanda said

'Oh God, how is he alive again?' Steve asked 'I don't know, but I think he won't be alive for long' she said

'He stole her precious Y/F/F three time this week' Clint said 'oh dear' Loki said 'oh dear indeed' Thor said

Suddenly a terrified scream followed by a call for help by Tony cut the conversation off

'Shouldn't we go help him?' Asked Thor 'Nah he deserved it, everyone know not Fuck with Y/N and her things' Clint said

'Language' Steve said

'Should we prepare the funeral?' Asked Bucky


'Yes, yes we should' Natasha said

Word count: 376

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you guys like this mess I wrote😂


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