chapter 2 ; the truth

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do you know how it feels to let go of someone you really love, just for them to be happy?

Junghwan felt as if he was in living hell: he couldn't eat, drink and focus on practice. He can't even remember when was the last time he smiled. Comforting words were heard everyday but honestly, nothing helped. He felt as if he was.. alone.

flashback: 8 months ago

'So Junghwan, the CEO is looking for you. He said to meet him at his office,' a worked informed.

Honestly, he didn't expect anything bad to happen. He was an professional artist: one that manages his time wisely. He's responsible and talented. What could possibly go wrong?

'Mr.Kim, you wanted to see me?' he asked politely.

'Ah yes. Junghwan, take a seat. I have some unfortunate news to tell you,' the CEO replied.

'Rumours and scandals are starting to build up recently based on your relationship,' the CEO continued, 'Well, I must admit that the news are.. wild. There are a mix of positive comments: fans that support your relationship, and negative comments: fans who oppose it. I really didn't want to tell you this, but you will have to break up with her in order to remain our reputation.'

'I can't do that! Y/N is the reason why I'm here today! She's supportive, funny, caring and even my members like her! She's like the light at the end of a dark tunnel, I love her way too much, Mr.Kim!' he tried to reason out.

'I'm sorry Junghwan, but this descision is final. The consequence is: you leave the company,' Mr.Kim said.

back to present

He was afraid to tell Y/N the reason why he broke up with her. 'I don't love you anymore,' were the words he regretted saying to her the most. So, he decided to write her: a letter, explaining everything.

To: Y/N

Annyeong, Y/N. Its me, Junghwan. You weren't expecting this right? Before you throw this letter away, please read what I have to say: its very important.

Y/N, I love you so goddamn much, no words could explain how in love I am with you. I didn't break up with you because I don't love you anymore, because that would be the biggest lie I've ever said. Mr.Kim told to me break up with you or else the company's reputation will be ruined as many antis do not support our relationship.. I admit it, I was a coward. I regretted not fighting for you, for us. I regretted that I gave up so easily without thinking. But.. you know how much I wanted to become an artist, right? I am who I am today because of you.

You supported and believed in me when no one didn't. You didn't laugh at me when I told you what my dream was a few years back like everyone else. Instead, you smiled softly at me and said, 'Fighting, Junghwan-ah. I'll be with you every step of the way.' Yes, I still remember your words clearly.

If we ever meet again, Y/N-ah, I would love to tell you words that I wanted to say to you for a very long time. I want to tell you how much of an important person you are to me in my life. We had too little time to be together: those are the days that will keep me going.
Y/N, you keep me going. Does fate really hate the idea of us, or maybe we just weren't meant to be? I don't even know. But one thing I know for sure is, I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. You truly deserve someone better than me.. I hope you'll always be happy.


Y/N, if the world wasn't against us in our next lives, will you still choose me?

Happy Valentine's Day, love.

From: So Junghwan

He smiled sadly as tears poured down his face endlessly. He couldn't bare the pain of loosing her anymore. Without Y/N, he wouldn't have any reason to live.

'Goodbye, Y/N. I love you, please be happy,' were Junghwan's last words.

To Junghwan, Y/N was everything.

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