Chapter 5

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Stella had grown more paranoid as days passed.  It would feel as of she was being followed or had someone continuously watching her. 
Her mother had finally let Stella walk home again.  Stella at first was pleased with it, but as she grew paranoid she wished her mother would continue to drive her. 
Stella had finally convinced herself that there was no one stalking her.  There was no evidence of it actually besides an erie feeling that sent shivers through her. 
Things at school calmed down and everyone went back to ignoring Stella.  Finally some peace and quiet over speculations.
The cops had come back a few times to ask more questions and to see if Stella remember anything else.
Stellas answer was always the same. No.
There was a key part of it but Stella had to withhold it. 
That night after the policemen had left in Stella's mind she could hear a faint voice. 
It was not hers at all. It was a much deeper voice then hers, it was a males voice. 
Stella had laid down afterward suddenly feeling tired. 
Her mind had opened as a flutter of images of the attackers face filled her mind.
He was calling her name over and over again. 
This time, in this dream,  she could hear him. 
Finally she answered the calling man. 
"Hello?" she had reached out. 
He appeared close to her, this time his whole body was there.
"Stella Williams. " he chuckled. 
Stella stepped back from the tall man. 
"How do you know my name? What do you want with me?" Stella said almost shaking. 
"Your supposed to be dead." he sighs as if in disappointment.
"How are we talking like this?"
He shook his head,  "Because Stella Williams,  we have a special connection."
Stella shook.
"The police are going to find you! When they do there gonna put you away forever so you can't hurt anyone else. " Stella had said without hesitation."
"That's not going to  happen and we both no why."
Instantly Stella had opened her eyes. 
Her body jolted from the bed in disbelief of what had happened.
What did he mean when he said 'your supposed to be dead. '
Sella had realized it was two in the morning and her mother and step father were in bed. 
Stella rushed down stairs and poured a glass of water and wet her face. 
This isn't happening she thought. 
Stella had a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that it was only going to get worse. 

Stella Williams Where stories live. Discover now