Chapter 4

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Stella's mother kept her home for the day to keep an eye on her. 
Her mother also routinely helped Stella clean her wounds on both hand and neck. 
Her mother took two days off of work to stay with her. 
Stella felt guilty for not telling the truth about what had really happened.
Stella stayed in bed all day checking her phone constantly to see of anyone tried to message her. 
As usual her phone was quiet. 
She had forgotten how much no one really cared. 
Stella's phone had finally dinged with one message.  Maze.
'How are you doing? I heard you were attacked. '
Stella sighed unsure how to answer her.  She was angry that Maze had the gut to ask her how she was doing after she had dumped Stella for boys and popularity.
She put her anger aside and answers with,  'All good.  Healing pretty fast. Thanks for checking up on me. '
As a last text Maze sent a kiss face and a heart'

Days had finally passed before Stella's mother let her go back to school.
The stitches were still in Stellas neck which bothered her a lot.  She was afraid they would draw unnecessary attention. 
As she expected, they did. 
She walked the halls as everyone stared at her. 
She hid under the hood of her jacket until it was time for class.
Of course she knew that she had to take her hood down in class unless she wanted detention.
Before stepping into class she put a white bandage over her stitches.
In first period no one seemed to mind except the occasional glances from those who didn't know what has happened.
For the rest of the day everyone stared especially when they passed her. They would glance closely at her neck and make comments about how she was hiding hickeys.
Stella didn't really mind the comments. She wished they were actual hickeys instead of fang marks.
Through out the day the thought crossed her mind.  Only if everyone knew what actually happened Stella thought to herself.
Stella stood at her locker looking at her stitches. Stella cleaned them with alcohol wipes she had brought from home.  She flinched at the pain that the little pads would cause. 
From the corner of her eye she caught the sight of Maze standing behind her with her clique.
Stella quickly through on a bandage and turned to meet Mazes hug. 
"I was so worried." Mass said releasing Stella from her death grip.
Stella didn't know how to respond.  They sat in awkward silence until Mazes clique dragged her away to talk about what boys liked her and whose shes bringing to the prom.
Maze never liked any of that before.  She would frequently mimic the girls who did and say prom was just a boring excuse to grind on a guy that they liked.
Maze stole one last glance at Stella and turned away to walk down the hall.
Stella sighed and packed up her things.  The last bell of the day rang and Stella took off. 
Her mother picked her up afraid the man was going to attack Stella again. 
On the way home they had passed the spot where Stella had been attacked. 
Flashes of that day played in her head. 
The man was lean and mysterious. To Stella it looked as if he were fighting himself.
He kept his head down until it rose to meet Stella's.
His brows were scrunched together and his mouth quivered.
Shivers ran through her body just thinking about it. 
"How was your day?" Stellas mother asked finally getting the courage.
Stella shrugged,  it was truly the same as other days. 
People being mean to her and what not.
"It was ok.  Except that people there are still jerks. "
Her mother froze for a quick second then perked right back up. 
"Why won't you let me take you out of that god forsaken school?"
"Because mom" Stella wined, "if you do those bullies win. I will not let that happen. "
Her mom sighed and had a contemplated look on her face. 
For the rest of ride home Stella's mother was silent as Stella herself was. 
Usually when Stella had gotten home she would do homework. Today she felt drained.
She had decided to get a shower and head to bed. 
In her dreams Stella could visualize the mans face.  He would stair back at her as she stared at him. 
She would jolt awake everytime his face would change. His eyes would glow red and teeth would expand into fangs.
It was a terrifying look. 
She felt sick to her stomach this time.  Her insides felt like they were being crushed.
Stella's mother had tried to get Stella to eat but the sight of food made her even more nauseous.
Stella finally able to go back to sleep curled into a ball. 
The man appeared again only this time his face did not change.
His face remained human like and whispered to her.
She couldn't make out the words that he was saying only the sound of his voice. 

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