Chapter 2

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Stella couldn't wait for it to be the end of her senior year of school.  It had always been hell for her. 
She was always mocked and pushed around for being smart and weird.
She kept to herself mostly. Other times she would be around a friend who was the same.
Quiet,  smart and liked the same stuff.
Stella's friend Maze befriended her when she had her braces taken off.  Her smile had gotten better and her skin had cleared. 
Guys began to notice her and she became the now 'popular girl'.
On occasion they would cross paths and stare.
Stella's heart broke each time her ex friend passed her reminding her of all the times they were friends and happy.
Stella opened her locker and through books into her bag as she normally did at the start of the school day. 
She would start with history and end with english. On the next day she would start with algebra and end with economics and government. She loved english class.
Mr. Cruz is the nicest teacher she knew. He would allow her to sit and eat lunch in his room and occasionally joined her. They would talk about literature and what book she is currently reading.  She used books as an escape from reality,  picturing the character as if it were her.  Stella guessed that must be why she loved to read so much.
Class had began at eight. The bell would ring out beside Stella's locker. Everyone rushes around trying to get through the tight hall filled with students pushing by one another. 
Stella always waited a minute until the rush calmed down so she wouldn't be knocked over or shoved. 
She was always the last one in class and had to take a seat in the corner where most people would point at where she belongs. 
Class felt like it went on forever.
Today's topic was how machines changed and improved the way of living.  For instance, Henry Ford built the assembly line to increase production and lower cost of his cars.  He made the process more efficient.
Stella found this kind of stuff interesting because without it today there would be a high demand for everything but a lack in supply for it.
Stella sighed and packed her things as the bell began to ring.
She walked slowly toward her next class.
The day from then on began to move faster.
Second period moved a lot faster then first and on and on. 
Finally the last bell had rung and Stella as usual was the last one out of the room.
On her way home she was stalked by her fellow peers mocking her.
They shove passed her causing her to fall and collapse to the ground.
She scraped and cut her hand on the cement beneath her. 
She sighed and dusted off her bloody hand. 
Tears swelled in her eyes. 
She didn't understand what was so wrong with her or why everyone hated her. 
Stella used a different path today to avoid anymore inflictions from her peers.
She wope her eyes and continued home.  As she turned the corner as another turned running into her.
"Sorry." Stella said with a half smile. 
The man standing before her looked angry and trouble some. 
He looked her in the eyes and lunged for her. 
A shriek rang out from her mouth. 
She struggled as he bit into her neck. 
Her eyes swelled even more than they already were. 
Stella could feel the life draining from her body. 
Her body laid limp and white.
She yearned for someone to find her.
Just minutes later someone did.
Immediately they called an ambulance. The women sat with Stella in her lap pleading with her to stay alive. 
Stella could feel her eyes grow tired then eventually closed. 

Stella Williams Where stories live. Discover now