chapter 6

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Stella tired enough was able to lay back down.
She wasn't able to close her eyes in fear that what ever happened before might happen again.
She rolled over onto her side and glanced at her phone.
Four-thirty, Stella only had another four hours before her mother and step father would be awake to get ready for work.
The morning had finally rolled around and Stella had begged her mom to let her stay home.
Her mother didn't give into her pleas. Her mother had said that she had missed to many days of school already.
Stella sighed and grabbed her book bag from the couch.
The morning sky was filled with dark grey clouds and the sun was nowhere to be found. Stella typically loved these days.
Instead, in light of what's been happening, she didn't particularly like it. It matched how she has been feeling lately.
Her mother had plopped a kiss on her forehead and Steve had given her a hug before heading off to work.
Stella locked up the house as she made her way out.
Stella glanced around and could swear something was off today.
Classes to seemed to flying by quickly today as if it were Friday.
Stella's head felt swirly and couldn't focus. What was happening to her?
She sat in Mr. Cruz today at lunch today.
Stella laid her head down for a bit feeling the rush of exhaustion from last night.
Stella fought herself not to fall asleep. She dosed off but would jolt herself awake.
Stella couldn't resist the temptation of sleep anymore.
She had finally laid her head fully down on her book bag.
"Your back. " the man smiled.
Stella just stared memorizing the mans face.
"I've never met someone who has tried to resist so hard."
Stella moved around the dream almost if she was trying to find a way out.
"Why is this happening?"she finally asked.
The man followed her around observing her.
He shrugged, "I'm getting closer can you feel it?"
Stella had awoke once more only this time her heart pounded heavily.
He was right, she could feel him getting closer. It was as if he was suffocating her.
Breathe Stella thought to herself. 
Mr. Cruz class had finally started and Stella sat in the back. 
Stella's mind was sprawled out all over jumping from one topic to the other. 
Stella would usually answer questions and was always on the ball. Today her mind was else where and it showed.
Stella had caught herself glancing out of the window toward a tree just a foot or two away from the window.  Limbs of the tree hung low and was framed by the window.
Stella had noticed a figure standing behind the branches staring dead at her.
Her heart fell to her stomach.
Had he found her?
Mr. Cruzes eyes looked over to Stella.
"Ms. Williams." he had called.
Stella just ignored it not noticing he was calling her name. 
"Ms.Williams, is something going to crawl through the window?" he says clearing his throat.
Snapping out of it Stella looked at Mr. Cruz who stared intently at her awaiting an answer. 
She shrunk down in her chair.
"No ser. " she answered.
She glanced one last time at the window and the figure was gone. 
Her heart pounded deep inside her chest as the bell rang out for them to leave and go home that school was over. 
Stella didn't want to leave. She found herself stuck in her desk. Everyone began putting pens and books in their bags.  But Stella,  waited till the last possible minute.
She waved goodbye to Mr. Cruz as he put his things away. 
Stella walked her usual way home but more aware of what is around her. 
She stopped by the coffee shop everyone went to so she would be around if someone were following her.
She glanced around and seen the room filled with the people she knew.
She took a breather and ordered her usual to make an excuse for stopping.
The coffee shop was only a street away from her home. 
Stella took a breath before she stepped out onto the open street. 
She walked at a fast paced and looked over her shoulder constantly until she had gotten home. 
Her hands shook as she pulled her keys from her pocket.
She fumbled with them until she was able to unlock the door.
She took a deep breath and flung her book bag onto the floor then the keys onto the occasionally used table. 
She turned to the door and locked it again.
Finally Stella was able to relax a little bit not much until her parents had come home. 
Stella's body nagged at her until she was able to lay down on her bed.  She didn't bother with home work tonight. Her head swirled on so many levels causing her to fall asleep faster.
She felt a pair of hands wrap around her. She yearned to scream but could feel her voice be restrained in her throat.
Stella's eyes searched the intruders face. 
It was him, the guy that had attacked her. Her heart had thumped harder than the day of the attack. 
Stella tried to move but her body sat still as the intruder continuously walked and had laid her in the passenger seat. 
Please she had pleaded in her mind. 
His face was blank with no expression.
Her mind went black and sleep took over her.
She willed her eyes open in hopes that it was just a dream.
It wasn't a dream,  it was a nightmare.
It was exactly what she had thought to be going on.
She had awaken in a white room with no furniture but the cot that she had waken up on. 
She had on a white hospital gown and fuzzy white socks.
Her head spun in circles as she tried to make sense of the situation.
Stella could feel her heart beat in her head. A tear had escaped her eye. 
By now her parents must be worried that Stella hadn't returned home or was gone. 
Glancing around the room she had noticed a camera tucked into a crack between the roof and wall.
A sudden buzz had come over the intercom that was placed by the door. 
"Hello,  Ms. Williams. "

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