#15 - Daniel Ricciardo

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This is for ricciardoaf , hope you like it!

"Am I your lockscreen?"
"You weren't supposed to see that."


Being Daniel Ricciardo's girlfriend brings a lot of pressure. Daniel travels a lot, you try to be at as many races as you possibly can. You love going to his races, supporting him from his garage. Celebrating his wins with him, comforting him when his race was shit.

Halfway through the season was probably the toughest time you've had with him. Not between you two, you two were perfect together. Daniel had to make a decision, staying with Red Bull or switching to another team. Daniel struggled a lot with it, you tried to help him in any way you could. You had sleepless nights together, when you helped him think of pro's and cons, for both teams.

When he made the decision of moving to Renault, you couldn't be more supportive. You were glad he had made a decision, glad he could finally sleep peacefully again. You were a little sad you had to say goodbye to all the Red Bull team members, they were part of your family for so long. You were excited for the new family members, though.

Daniel was happy, that meant you were happy as well. He had sent you photos of him in his new race overall, earlier today. He had his photo shoot, he had promised to show you. You've been staring at his photos for atleast an hour now. He looked so handsome in his yellow shirt, in his yellow race overall. You quickly typed a reply to him.

You better take that suit home with you

Why?? 😏

You look yummy

I love you ❤️

You could only smile at his response. After all these years, he could make the butterflies in your stomach fly, get a smile on your face with only those three words. You choose one of the photos he sent you and set it as your lockscreen. Daniel never looked at your phone, so it wouldn't matter anyway.

"I'm home!" his loud voice echood through the house, your smile instantly widening. He walked into the livingroom, dropping his bag on the floor. You walked up to him, gladly walking into his open arms. His arms tightly wrapped around you, making you melt into the embrace. You felt his lips on your head, before leaning down to press them on yours for a loving kiss. "I'm going to take a shower. How about a movie night?" Daniel suggested, already halfway towards the bathroom. "I'll get some snacks!" you called after him. You did what you said, grabbed a few bowls and filled them with some crisps, some chocolate and cookies. You put them down on the table, next to your phone. You turned on the TV, going to Netflix. Choosing a movie to watch wasn't your strongest quality, Daniel wasn't good at it either. Halfway through the options, Daniel came back from his shower, to take a seat on the couch next to you. He instantly reached for some crisps, smiling appreciately at you while grabbing his glass of water.

"What have you chosen?" Daniel asks you, grinning as he knows you hadn't picked yet. You threw the remote at him, crossing your arms. "You pick" Daniel's laugh makes you smile, it always does. He does pick a movie, obviously a thriller. He lets you cuddle up against him. He wraps one of his arms around you, holding you close to him. You notice your phone lighting up with a text, you forgot to turn your phone down. You usually do that, just out of habit. After 2 more texts, Daniel finally looks down, making you freeze. "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that." You quickly answer him. He pauses the movie, sitting up right and grabbing your phone. You feel your cheeks heating up, turning into a bright red tomato. "I really am your lockscreen. That's so cute, babe" he knows you get shy easily, especially from something like this. "Like I said, you weren't supposed to see that!" You try to reach for your phone but Daniel is taller. He holds it up so you can't grab it. "Why did you put that one as your lockscreen? Didn't you have a pretty flower before?" No matter what, you still try to grab your phone. Eventhough it won't make a difference. "Just because" "Because of what?" Daniel's grin is enormous, he's obviously enjoying this. "Because I liked the picture" "But you like more pictures, right? I thought you liked the flower." "I put it as my lockscreen because I thought you looked hot in it, okay?!" You stop reaching to look at him. Daniel smiles at you, his grin turned into a loving smile. "I think you're hot too, babe. I've had you as my lockscreen for a few months now. The guys at the Factory tease me with it, but I can just look at you all day." Before you can answer, he dips down to kiss you. "I love you, dummy"

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