Chapter 2

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I dedicate this chapter to @Into1D because it helped me improve my writing and techinique with the comments she left.  So shout out to Into1D! 

Chapter 2

My heavy eyelids fluttered open and I was greeted by a bright light. Haha, get it, no, ok. I shot straight out of bed. Who? What? When? Why? I mentally questioned. I remember hurting my leg in like a ditch or something. Something with blonde hair, um, OH. Blondie. I groaned and stood up on the side of the bed. My leg was swollen and I bit my lip to stop from shrieking in pain.

I limped to the door and looked around the room. There were posters and a green bed spread laying across the bed, where I must of been laid. I quietly opened the door and walked, or limped towards a staircase I saw ahead of me. I quietly grabbed the railing when I heard whispering.

"Ok my pack,-" what the hell, is this like a freaking cult?

"We have a female wolf in our territory, but, she is no harm, because Niall thinks she does not know of what she is."

Oh hell no, I am not a bloody wolf! I think I would know if I grew long fangs and turned into a dog. Screw this, I am jumping out the window!

I slowly shuffled towards the room I just left and peeked inside looking for a window. There is one in the right corner. I walked, limped whatever you want to call it, over towards the window and opened it, letting the cool crisp breeze flow all around me.

I stepped outside on the roof and put my hands out to balance. Oh good lord, let me survive this.

I tiptoed in my Jordan's, hehe, anyone? Anyways, i looked down and saw that i was at least three stories high, I shrieked. I didn't think this through, hehe, you see I am scared of heights, not a smart plan Bella. The wind whipped my hair around my face and I shuffled closer to the edge. I closed my eyes stepping forward waiting for impact, but it never came. I slowly opened one eye then the other to find that I was back in the room being held by someone. I tried to pull away but, the thing held me closer.

"Don't ever do that again." Someone growled in my ear.

"Not making any promises, sista." I said sarcastically.

The person holding me spun me around and looked into my brown eyes. I was met with crystal blue eyes. Blondie, I mean Niall. He started crying and squeezed me.

"Don't ever try to kill yourself again." He sobbed.

Wait a second. I was not killing myself, wait. I guess jumping off a building can look like suicide, wait it is suicide. Dang it! I groaned.

"I was not trying to kill myself, I was simply jumping off the roof to get to the ground." I stated.

"That is called suicide." Niall said bluntly.

I huffed, I was getting no where with this. I realized the rest of boys and some other people are here that I have never met. Niall let go on me and I brushed myself off. "So?" I said looking around at everyone. A man in his mid-forties stepped forward. "When your in this house I am your Alpha." He spoke with demand. His eyes glowed brown and I started giggling.

I felt something inside me push me to the ground and I snarled and giggled at the same time, which sounds really disturbing. What, i am snarling!?! I laughed so hard, tears were trickling down my face. I stood back up and everyones eyes were popping out of their sockets and their jaws were dropped. I looked over them all and said, "take a picture it will last you longer."

I started to walk away but Niall grabbed my wrist. "What, Niall!" I spat. He looked offended but added, "how could you stand up to the strongest Alpha in Europe?" I burst out laughing, Alpha? really? I looked him in the eyes to see he was serious.

"Oh, I don't know maybe because werewolves don't exist." I hissed at him like he was clueless. Where is he from, teen wolf?

"Werewolves exist, miss, we are living proof." The "Alpha" hissed at me. Well someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed. I looked into his eyes, I heard wolves don't like stare downs, so I did exactly that.

He stared at me right back, it was like those wild west stare downs until I started to feel dizzy, and liquid dripped from my nose. I put my hand up to my nose to see it was bleeding. My vision blurred and I heard voices in my head.

"She is gonna get herself killed."

"I wonder if she would sleep with me?"

"Why is my glare and power not working on her."

"She is so pretty."

I screamed, I have had enough of their voices in my head. I collapsed on the ground with my hands on my ears and sobs escaping my lips. I heard Niall grab me and pull me into his chest. "Simon Stop!" He yelled desperately. "it is not me!" Simon yelled back, panicked.

"Whats wrong Baby girl." Niall asked me. I will let the "baby girl" thing slide because I am in immense pain. I still am able to mange to roll my eyes at him and whisper, "voices in my head." Was all I got out. My eyesight started to glow amber and it pounded to a blue and everything in my vision was blue now. Then everything vanished. The pain. The voices. The colors. I sighed and closed my eyes to take a nap. I felt so tired and groggy.

"Bella Don't close your eyes." Niall whimpered. I felt him lift me up and put me next to him in bed. I fluttered my eyes open. "Say something." He whispered while taking a piece of my hair and putting it softly behind my ear. I wanted to start laughing and quoting the song. I thought about it, "Say something I'm giving up on you." I looked up at Niall I tried to form them into words but my voice was gone. I was literally speechless.

Tears pricked my eyes.

I looked back up at Niall and he said, "Did you just say, Say something I'm giving up on you? Or am I officially going crazy." My eyes widened, he heard my thoughts. I shot out of the bed and ran downstairs towards an office and Niall ran after me. He grabbed me and pulled me to his chest.

"Shh, baby it's okay you don't have to be scared." Phff, me scared? I just wanted to get a pen and paper. He finally let me go when he thought I wouldn't run again, he was wrong. Right when I sprinted off the others came down. I heard Niall yell, " catch her!"

~ Ok guys, I wanted to tell you thank you soooooo much for the follows and votes and views!! Like I said I will try to update every friday, but I can't promise anything. I really would like to know what you think so, comment! Vote! And follow me! Don't be shy! I won't bite! Yeah, I am talking to you, behind the internet's screen. Ok love you guys and stay just the way you are because you are Purr-fect! ;)


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