Chapter 13

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A/N: It would mean the world to me if you voted and commented.
Also, this song is great for this chapter.
Enjoy! :D

Chapter 13

Niall's eyes widened as he scrambled to help me up. He lifted me up and brought me over to a couch that was in the living room not far from the kitchen. He sat down with me on his lap while he frantically searched for his phone. I looked over at the coffee table and saw a phone lying there. I pointed to it, hoping he would understand. He nodded his head and reached for it.

Once he got it, he started furiously typing on it while he played with my hair. By the time he was done with whatever he was doing on his phone, I had relaxed and started to take shallow breaths. I yawned and curled closer to Niall's body heat. I shut my eyes listening to his heart beat. Something started poking me. I snapped open my eyes and looked for the offender: it was Niall poking me.

"Please, Don't sleep yet. just wait." He whispered while stroking my hair. I nodded my head and waited for whatever Niall wanted.

After about thirty minutes of waiting, I could barely keep my eyes open. Before I gave up on staying awake, tons of people jumped through the door looking panicked. I turned to Niall with wide eyes, wondering what was happening. He gestured me to look back at the people. I saw a familiar face, Liam. I jumped off of Niall and ran into his arms; my hair swishing all around me. I started sobbing as he carried me back over to the couch. "LiLi, I am scared." I whispered clutching onto him like he was my life source. "Shh, its okay, sabel, it will be okay." He whispered while rubbing my back.


I looked around and I was surrounded by fire, I was cornered. I looked up and saw a man. He jumped towards me and grabbed me, giving me to someone else. "Thanks Jay," the man who now had me, said.

*Scene shifts*

I was swinging on the swings yelling to go higher. I looked behind me and saw the same man but younger. "Push me higher Jay, higher!" I squealed.

*Flashback ends*

I shook my head and looked up to see I was no longer in Liam's arms, but four feet away from him. I was shaking and crying. Every time someone touched me, a memory came back and I didn't like it. "Jay, Jay, Jay." I repeated while rocking back and forwards with my knees to my chest. Everyone's eyes widened and Liam raced over to me. He tried to grab my arm but I yelled, "Don't touch me!" He looked hurt but asked me what I said. I looked up into his brown eyes, "Jay," was all I said.

"Was he my other brother?" I whispered while wiping away tears. Liam just nodded and just shrugged. Gosh, I hate boys. I wiped away the tears this time and stood up. I walked past everyone who was witnessing this and stopped. I turned around and looked at everyone around the room. I have had enough of this, I can't keep chasing this made believe fantasy that I am really a werewolf and so are they.

"I am leaving for now, I don't want this life. I just want my family and to grow up and go to college. I am not ready to be pursued by someone and fall in love. I am not ready to believe I am a werewolf or a princess. I hope you all enjoy your life, because surely, I won't be apart of it." I said in a stern monotone voice. I scoffed and looked at all the shocked, heartbroken and confused faces.

"Goodbye, my Romanian friends, I wish you luck in your voyage of entering a asylum; Because at this rate, I'll be joining you." I turned on my heel and left the room; walking in the direction of the exit.

The closer I got to the exit, the more I ran. I opened the door with all my might. I ran down the little steps at the front and ran to my car, that wasn't there. "Damn it!" I mentally cursed. I looked around for any option because I didn't want to walk back in there. In the distance I saw a small bus stop that had a flickering light above it. "Beggars can't be choosers." I whispered.

I can handle myself, right? I jogged over to the stop and sat down on the rusty bus seat, waiting for a bus to come around. I waited for about fifteen minutes, getting ready to give up and face the awkward situation at hand. I heard a bus come rolling down the street and come to a screeching stop.

The doors opened, leaving a pressured sound. There was a little old lady sitting there looking at me. "Need a ride dear?" She asked, her voice shaking at the end. I felt my pockets and realized something. I had absolutely no money. "I don't have any money." I whimpered, realizing I have to find another way home.

"Don't worry, it is on the house." She said in a cheerful voice. She slowly reached over in her tip bucket and pulled out a five dollars and said, " why thank you for the money, take a seat; where we going tonight?" I ran up the bus stairs and hugged her while repeatedly thanking her. I smiled and gave her the directions to my home. I went to sit down seeing no one else was in the bus.

I looked against the window and saw what was supposed to be my reflection. I didn't see the girl I was a week ago, I saw the girl who broke many hearts and believed in something that simply can't exist. I looked closer and saw my eyes flash purple, but I am sure I am just stressed and tired; so I am seeing things. I sighed, slouched down and tried my best to relax.

When I arrived home, the bus came to a lurching stop. I shook myself and stood up. I once again thanked the woman, whose name was Marie. I walked down the stairs and ran to my front door, I grabbed a key that was hiding in a flower pot nearby. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

I took a deep breath; my family was fast asleep. I crept up the stairs to my room. I walked in and turned my light on. I saw Niall sitting on my bed, I shrieked. I blinked my eyes rapidly, I looked again and he was gone. I swear my mind is playing tricks on me. I changed into pajamas; I was too lazy to shower. I hoped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I opened them again. With this stress going on, I am going to need a distraction and a stress reliever. I rolled out of bed and grabbed the nearest phone.

I dialed my two best friends in hope they were still awake.

"What's up girly?" Sarah asked.
Tori said, "Yeah where have you been?"

I rolled my eyes. I gotta love them for being so kind, but I didn't want to talk about it. I will explain everything to them later, but for now, I needed a break from my life. I decided to ask them the impending question that was the only thought in my mind.

"Are any of you up for a camping trip?"

A/N: Hellooo, I am sooooo sorry I haven't updated in like forever, but I have had tons of finals and tons of procrastination, sooo, I have been busy! I hope you guys enjoy this Chapter.

Please, Please, Please, take the time to vote and comment, it means the world to me.

Love you, byeee! Muah!

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