unknown // 6 - Outings

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richelle pov

I texted Summer, telling her to meet me at the mall after rehearsal. I needed to talk to her, as mutuals. Not as enemies. It made me a bit nervous. What if she didn't want to be friends? Oh who am I kidding, it's Summer. She's so friendly and skilled.. too good.

I was about to ask someone else where Summer was but she just came into sight. We met in the middle of the distance between us and ... We hugged. It wasn't bad. This relationship doesn't have to be dance related all the time. I think this is a better change. She had black leggings on with a violet crop top and a denim jacket. I admit, she has style. And a noticeable liking for purple.

"Hey Richelle!" she smiled as we pulled away from the hug. "Hi Summer!" I replied, smiling back at her. I don't usually smile this much. It was just.. such a cheerful vibe that touched everyone it hit from her. Wow.

We walked around for a bit, just talking about things in general. "So, how's this season going for you?" "Good, good. I have you to thank though." Today, I was finally going to repay her for encouraging me. Plus getting me a spot in the trio. It may have been an accident.. yet, she specifically thought I would be a great addition. She showed that she does notice me more than I thought she did. Summer just always seems in her own world.

"Omg, you got in the trio?!" "Yep! Emily decided that your suggestions were a 'good shout' and now it's an acro trio!" She seemed.. happy for me. This wasn't going to be as awkward as I thought it would be. We seem to get each other, weirdly. It was the last thing I expected if I'm honest. Very unexpected.

I just had on a pair of navy colored leggings and a crimson shirt. My blue plaid shirt tied around my waist just for fashion. It isn't the warmest of layers. Should've brought a jacket with me.

We walked 'round the mall, just hanging out together and having a chat. I did owe her for getting me a spot on such a clearly featured dance, not taking it herself. Knowing she does want me to have my turn to shine is... comforting.

After everything that's happened with Elliot and Jacquie, I'm glad there's still one person who will listen and not try to put themselves first.

This day should still be fun. Summer and I spent time getting to know each other as we talked more. In topshop, Summer came out of the changing room wearing a massive hoodie, a snapback and some 'cool' sunglasses. She crossed her arms and did some 'DJ dance moves' which made me laugh. I even put some similar clothes on and we tried on loads of different looks until we both came out wearing the same floral dress but hers had pink, yellow and white whereas mine had red, blue and black. What a coincidence.

"Looking good there, Richelle!" she said, laughing.

"You too, Summer!" I replied, still laughing uncontrollably.

Making each other laugh so had We can barely breathe is something I've never done with a 'bestie'. Maybe I was wrong about all people. She isn't so bad after all.


[ at shakes and ladders, after the mall ]

This day hasn't been too uninteresting. I learned about one person just by getting to know them more personally. Who knew I could have such a good time? It was so unexpected. After all that laughing and shopping, Me and Summer definitely needed to chill.

We were drinking our shakes that we had just bought, Noah walked in. With, Jacquie? He NEVER goes out with her. This is awkward.

"How are you guys?" asked Noah. Summer and I both looked at each other, grinning. We popped on some sunglasses "Good!" we both said at the same time. Immediately after, we started laughing again. Woahhh, these inside jokes are not going to get old. I'm finally starting to let loose a little more. It's great to be more chill and expressive.

Noah raised an eyebrow whilst Jacquie pulled a face of just being a bitch. Is it REALLY surprising? No.

Summer had told me that her and Noah had a new thing going on. As soon as she leaves for a few hours, he's already all over the next girl. Talk about a player. This makes Henry seem half decent. Not that he really the worst.

"Wanna go rehearse the hip-hop dance?"
"Tomorrow. B-Troupe already booked studio 1 for the whole afternoon and.."
"...J-Troupe would kick us out of Studio A anyways!"

Already finishing each other's sentences... DING! DING! DING! - is that a wild Noah I see, looking jealousssssss? He wants Summer to hang out with him but I got to her first hehe. Ohhhh this is going to be funny the next few rehearsals.

Jacquie started going on about her pet snake, surely she must be looking in the mirror to even see it? The rambling was just getting too much. Suddenly, everyone's phone went off and there, in e-mail, was a picture of Noah and Amy kissing- oh and one of him and Jacquie kissing as well. Perfect way to end what could've been a perfect day.

Someone just exposed Noah. This person must be a spy or some shit like that.. talk about weird that I was just wondering about that as Noah seemed jealous that me and Summer were hanging out all day. He used it as an excuse to take his needy ass some place else and I'm disappointed but not surprised. Again.

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